Page 68 of Royal Creed

“Thanks, but I doubt I’d be very good company right now.” Creed pins me with a brief glare before looking at Jameson. “Considering I just got back from a run,” he adds, expression even. “The shower’s calling my name. Enjoy your coffee.”

My eyes remaining glued to him, I watch him disappear into the house, wishing I could join him.

Wishing he were sitting next to me, his hand caressing my skin.

But that can never be our reality.

Instead, we’ll have to settle for our stolen moments in the dark.

“So…” Jameson’s bright voice cuts through the silence. “What were you all talking about? Or do I not want to know?”

“Oh, trust me,” Marius says mischievously. “You most certainly don’t.”

I bring my mug back to my lips, thinking how true Marius’ statement is.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I pace the length of the patio, glancing toward Esme’s darkened room every few seconds for any sign of movement. When several minutes have passed and I still don’t notice anything, I pull out my mobile and navigate to the message I sent, seeing it still shows as delivered, but not yet read.

This is stupid. She’s probably asleep. I should just go back inside and hope she’ll eventually sneak into my room. Texting her was careless. What if Jameson sees it? Or Anderson?

But being in that house, in the room right next to where Esme and Jameson are allowed to share a bed, is suffocating. I want nothing more than to leave this place so I don’t have to watch them together. I’m also painfully aware that finding alone time with Esme will be even more difficult once she’s back under the royal household’s watchful eye.

This week may be our only opportunity to find any meaningful time together, regardless of how short.

I just hope she still wants to have time together. That she hasn’t changed her mind.

Finally, I hear the back door slide open and I stop pacing. The instant my gaze falls on Esme, body clad in a tank top and shorts, I exhale a breath, shoulders falling in relief.

Not wasting a single heartbeat, I eat up the space between us and crush my lips to hers, not caring we’re out in the open. It’s risky, but at four in the morning, I doubt anyone’s awake. Not after going to a club in town and not getting home until after two.

“God, I’ve been wanting to do that all bloody day,” I murmur against her mouth once I bring the kiss to an end. But I don’t pull away from her. I can’t.

It was pure torture to keep my distance today. To watch Jameson touch her perfect skin. Kiss her plump lips. Dance with her at the club while people shot photos and videos of the happy couple to post all over social media.

“Do you know how many times I was on the verge of throwing you over my shoulder and hauling you into the bathroom at the club without a single care for who saw us?”

She bites her lower lip as she curves against me, her body fitting me so perfectly I swear she was made for just me. When she grinds up against me, my erection prominent, I groan.

“And what would you have done with me?” She runs her fingers through my hair, teeth tugging on my bottom lip. “Or perhaps I should ask what you would have done to me.”

I wrap my hand around her hair and yank her head to the side, dragging my tongue along her neck. “I would have fucked you so hard and made you scream my name so loud, no one within the city limits could ignore the truth.”

A visible shiver rolls through her, her shoulders rising and falling in a quicker pattern. “And what truth is that?” she asks breathlessly.

My gaze goes to her neck, her pulse throbbing as she swallows hard, desire flushing her complexion. I edge toward her, lips skimming her skin.

“That you’re mine.”

When I clamp my teeth onto her, she yelps, but it soon turns into a moan, impatient and desperate. Hypnotized by the lust clouding my brain, I suck on her neck as I steer her backward, not stopping until her back hits the exterior of the house. Bringing my hands to her waist, I yank her shorts down her legs before lifting her up, using the wall to support her.

“Do you want me like this?” I free my erection and line myself up at her entrance, teasing her. “Where anyone can see us?”

With fire in her green eyes, she skims her lips along my jaw before nibbling on my earlobe. “Fuck me, Creed.”

Every muscle in my body hardens when I hear those words come out of her mouth. I doubt I’ll ever tire of hearing my prim and proper princess succumb to her baser desires. Of hearing her follow her urges instead of pretending to be someone she’s not, all because she’s been told to behave a certain way.