Page 95 of Meant for Forever

He grinned. "Maybe you can show your appreciation tonight."

"It's a date."


When they reached the cabin, the place was buzzing with activity. One man was on the roof nailing down something, while others were walking through the woods. Still more people were working on the blind.

Zach introduced her to Parker Granger. He was the cousin who worked for a construction company.

"I really appreciate you doing this," she said.

"Anything for family."

Since there was no electricity at the cabin, his tools were gas powered. If any Kitchener was within three miles of the place right now, he’d find the cabin for sure. The tools made a lot of noise. To her delight—and probably to everyone else—Parker told her the blind was almost finished.

“I’ll have my men hoist it on top of the roof as soon as we staple on the shingles. From the ground, the blind will look just like an extension of the roof.”

“That’s awesome,” she said.

Charley checked out the construction. “This is perfect.”

“We’re going to unpack some things inside,” Cassidy said. “It was nice meeting you.”

“You too. Oh, Cassidy. When all this is settled, I’d love to pick your brain about your sustainable living situation in Wyoming. Zach said your clan basically lives off the land?”

“We do.”

“My cousin Drake, who’s an architect, and I work together. We’re both interested in incorporating some of your ideas into our buildings.”

She smiled. “It’s my favorite topic to discuss.”

One of Parker’s workers came over to ask him a question, so she and Charley grabbed some firewood that Cassidy had chopped when she’d stayed there and carried it inside.

“These logs should dry out in a few hours,” Cassidy said.

“Sounds good.”

They set down their gear. “If you’re going to stay here, I need to show you the way to the river so you can get your water.”

“Lead the way.”

As soon as the two of them returned from the river, Parker entered the cabin. “If you ladies want to check out the blind, go on up. They're screwing it in now.”

Cassidy was excited to see what it looked like. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be snowing when the showdown occurred.

They climbed the stairs to the loft. “When the time comes, we should use one of the comforters to kneel on.”

“Great idea,” Charley said.

They climbed up the ladder and pushed open the hatch. Once more, the wind blasted Cassidy in the face. She’d have to bundle up before the Kitcheners arrived. No telling how long they’d have to wait for them. She suspected it might be hours.

“Ladies,” one of Parker’s men said. “I just attached this to the roof, but the underlying structure needs some work. Try not to move around on it too much.”

Great. “We won’t.”

“Climb up on it and see how it feels.”

They both knelt on the very hard platform. Their bodies would be shielded from view, but if any of the wolves looked up, she bet their heads would be exposed. “Great job.”