Page 96 of Meant for Forever


Charley turned to her. “Want to try out a few shots?”

“With the men wandering down there? What if I hit one of them?"

“Don’t worry. We know how to aim, remember?”

Cassidy shot rabbits, not werewolves. She hoped her nerves would hold up. “Then sure. Let’s get our weapons.”

All three climbed down through the hatch, since it was safer than the way the worker came up—which was from the outside. They grabbed their bows and arrows as well as a comforter. They might as well be as comfortable as possible.

Once they were settled on top, Cassidy could see what an incredible advantage this afforded. “Do you think they’ll fight right in front of us?”

“Hard to tell. It think it depends on our men. We should see if they can hide near the cabin. We’ll let them know the easiest angles for us.”

“Sounds good.”

The two of them picked a target away from the men so they could practice. Cassidy hit everything she aimed at, though a few trees might have suffered in the process.

“Try the crossbow,” Charley said.

Cassidy didn’t feel comfortable using it, but in case she ran out of arrows, she might have to use it. She shot three. The first two missed the tree, but the last one hit her target.

“Not bad, girlfriend. Let’s go retrieve the arrows.”

They climbed back to the loft and then went to the main floor just as the men came in.

“Nice shooting up there, ladies,” Mike said.

She was surprised he was watching. “Let’s hope we can help when the fighting begins.”

“Speaking of fighting,” Charley said, “if you all run into the woods, we won’t be able to help. I’d like to show you where we can shoot and where we can’t.”

“Show me,” Ian said.

They went outside. Charley walked off the area where they would be most successful, while Cassidy located the arrows they'd shot. She handed the arrows from the crossbow back to Charley.

“Cassidy, have you called your friend’s mom to see if she spoke with Doug?”

“Not yet. I will as soon as I have cell service.” She checked her watch. "Though how long Doug will take to gather the troops after that and get under way is anyone’s guess.”

Zach handed Ian the key and his satellite phone. “I’ll pick up another one from the office and call you so you have this number. This is the best way to communicate with me.”

“Perfect. Thanks.”

Since they needed to be within cell phone range sooner rather than later, she, Zach, and Mike left. Thankfully, the weather cooperated, and Cassidy was able to call when she was about a half-hour from the parking lot. “Hey, Mindy. It’s Cassidy.” She gave her a quick rundown of where she was. "Did your mom speak with Doug?"

"She just got back from the bank. Let me put her on."

“Cassidy, I did it,” her mom said.

“He bought it?”

She almost giggled. “Yes. I have to admit my acting skills were exceptional.”

“Did he say when he was coming here?”

“He said he would leave first thing tomorrow morning. I don't trust him though. Knowing him, he might leave sooner.”