Page 40 of Binding Ties

His eyes sparkled as his brain worked that over. “Does that mean you’ll have another kid? Will I have a sister or a brother? I’ve always wanted one, but Mama said it wasn’t the right time. Is it the right time now?”

He barely gets a breath in before continuing on this little ramble of his, and, I had to admit, he was kind of adorable right now.

“I’m glad you love my mama so much. She’s pretty cool. And she’s been lonely for so long that it was making me sad. I like when you’re around. She smiles more.”

Julian moved right over the having another kid talk. We’d already talked about it and knew where we both stood. It wasn’t the right time yet. Ace needed to focus on getting to know Benjamin, not deal with a pregnant, cranky me.

God, I’d been horrible. Looking back now, I realize it, but now… well… I’d know what to expect the next time.

Julian kneeled down, and Ben ran to him, wrapping him in a tight hug. “I plan on making your mama smile for quite a while, bud. She can’t get rid of me that easily.” He chuckled, and I shook my head; charmer.

“Stay here, I’ll grab his bag for you.”

“Okay, awesome!” Excitement brimmed in his eyes, and the look gave me butterflies. Not all men would be okay coming home six years later to find out they had a child. And I guarantee those that did probably wouldn’t stick around, but Julian McCormick was made from thicker cloth. He wasn’t going anywhere. Somehow, I knew it deep down.

I grabbed the bag from Ben’s bedroom and came back to the living room. “Here you go. He has everything he needs in there.”

“Come here and give me a hug, baby.” I knelt down and waited for him to come do just that when his little voice hit my ears.

“Don’t be sad, Mama. If you get lonely, I’m sure Dad will be okay with you coming over, right, Dad?” He turned to look back at Julian, and I smiled through teary eyes.

I followed them out to the car and then waved as they pulled away. What the hell was I going to do with myself? Picking up my phone once I was back inside, I texted Savvy.


I have an empty house for the weekend. Any plans?


You’re finally letting him have a sleepover?


Figured it was about time. Any chance Hutch would want to watch Rex so we can have a girls night in? I need wine.


Absolutely, let me just tell Hutch. I’m sure he’ll be fine with it.


Thanks, girl.


Red or white?


Isn’t it too early to be drinking?


It is never too early for some veno.


I’ll be over in an hour. Hutch is off today so he can watch Rex. Besides, I want to hear all about how well Julian is treating you in the sack. The man is an Adonis.