Page 39 of Binding Ties

Anna giggled at my urgency. Leaning in, I blew softly against her skin, watching goosebumps pop up with each inch traveled. “Don’t just stand here. I have a sexy woman to clean.”

We moved at a fast paced strut toward the shower. She didn’t stop touching me as we got the shower going and slipped in. I held her in my arm for just a moment and kissed her forehead, inhaling her individual scent. “You know I keep thinking about things. What would have happened if I had stayed? I came back here for you and got a bonus. I think maybe it was meant to be that life turned out this way.”

“I’m so incredibly thankful that you’ve forgiven me for not telling you about Benjamin.”

I reached up and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “There’s nothing to forgive. I understand it now. The reason you did it. You were right, if I’d known, I’d have come right back home to you, leaving my dreams of driving, and working in Pop’s shop. But racing has cemented our future because I’ve been saving all the money I’ve made for years now. Ben has a college fund, not only from Luke, but from me. I’d already started saving for the kids we could have in the future.”

She looked up at me. “You were really planning on coming home all along?”

“Absolutely. I just wanted to make you and Pop proud. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. And I did… but now it’s time to come home and take over Dad’s shop. It’s time to spend my life with my family and work on making a little brother or sister for Ben.”

“Ace…” She whispered my name in reverence, and a shiver traveled down my back. “I would love to have more kids, but I’m not ready yet.”

I slanted my lips over hers. “We can wait as long as you want. But in the meantime, we should definitely spend some time practicing.”

She playfully swatted my arm. “You would say that.”


Icouldn’t lie. I was nervous about Julian keeping Ben all weekend, but I needed to learn to be okay with it. At least for now. And I understood his need to hang out with his son without me so they could bond… but I honestly had no idea what the heck to do with myself.

So many things could go wrong this weekend. My brain was spinning on a wheel, going over every worst nightmare scenario for a parent. But I was just being paranoid. Everything would be fine.

“Mornin’, Mama!” I turned to see my little man walking down the hall in his Julian McCormick race car t-shirt that Ace bought just last week. “Look how cool my shirt is!”

He walked over, and I kneeled down on the floor. “Can I have a hug?”

“Of course, Mama. Why wouldn’t I give you a hug?” His brows furrowed like he didn’t understand why I’d say such a thing.

A smile spread across my face. “Thanks, Benji. I hope you’re never too old to give your Mama a hug.”

He leaned into me, wrapping his tiny arms around my neck, and whispered in my ear. “Never.”

Tears formed in my eyes at his resolute tone. I wasn’t sure why I’d been so emotional this morning. It’s not like Ben was going anywhere other than a ten minute walk down the road.

Sniffing and wiping my face,I pulled Ben away from me. “Are you ready to go to your dad’s?”

He nodded his head. “Yep!” The pop on the “p” coming out boldly. “You sure you can’t come with me?”

“Not this time, sweetheart. I have some stuff to do around here, and I know how much your dad is looking forward to spending time with you.”

A small frown tipped his lips down for a brief second before he moved on. With a sigh and a shoulder shrug, he agreed.

“You’ve got Marvin and your astronomy pajamas?”

“Yeah, Mama.” He pulled at my arm and waited for me to stand up. “You can come see.”

“Oh, I’d like that very much, bud.” I tried to let Ben be as independent as he wanted, sometimes, just so he could learn on his own. Earlier today, I’d told him to pack up his suitcase with some clothes and his toothbrush. I’ve always felt that it’s never too early to teach them how to care for themselves, and Ben learns so quickly.

Half an hour later, there was a knock on the door, accompanied by the tone of the doorbell. This time, instead of racing me to the door, he stood back and waited for me to tell him he could open it.

Julian was getting to him. I could see here and there the good influence that Julian was bringing to his very sheltered, scheduled, and day to day life.

I walked over to open the door and found Ace smiling that signature smile on the other side. “Happy Saturday.” Julian said as he leaned in and gave me a kiss.

Ben’s face scrunched up in disgust. “That’s gross.”

Julian smirked at him, definitely egging him on. “Well then, you’re just going to have to be okay with it, bud. I’m not going anywhere. Someday, your Mama’s going to cave and marry me.”