Page 63 of Pretty Little Thief

“Dom. No!” I yell. He either doesn’t hear me through his rage or doesn’t care. I watch in horror as the dagger pierces King Naveen’s flesh and a trickle of blood runs down his neck.

Anger seeps from every inch of Dominic’s rigid body as his eyes dilate, the black centers taking over the rich brown color I’ve grown to love. I’ve never seen this side of him, so reckless and uncontrolled. I’ve thought of him as callous before, but the stoic man who taunted me during training has nothing on the raging monster before me. My heart races at the thought of himslitting the king’s throat and putting an end to this nightmare, but the fear of Dom’s death sentence freezes the heat coursing through my veins in an instant. I can’t lose him. Any of them.

Tristan and Grey block the guards advancing while Callum actively tries to pull Dom away from the king. “Come on, Dom. He’s not worth it,” Cal says.

Dom holds his position for a beat longer, then turns and walks away. He doesn’t stop. He doesn’t look back. I stand there like a lust-driven fool with my mouth hanging open. My lungs are screaming at me when I finally remember how to breathe again.

Damn, that was scary. And hot as fuck.

Dom licks his lips as he walks past me. “Tristan, let’s go,” he shouts.

He’s so fucking demanding. I’m so turned on right now. It’s a shame I can’t drag him to the nearest room and let him have his way with me while his body still vibrates with fury. But Dom is different than the others. Even in this state, I doubt he’d touch me in the way I crave the most.

Tristan takes off behind Dom, while Callum and Grey move to my side. “Let’s go, sunshine.” We let King Naveen’s men lead us in the direction of his chambers. I’d love to turn around and see Rami and Naveen’s reaction, but my pride tells me not to give them the satisfaction. Dom made his point, and King Naveen would be a fool not to listen.

There’s food set out on a table with two chairs pushed in either side. I make my way around it, placing a few items on my plate and taking my seat. Naveen still hasn’t joined me, but I’m sure that won’t be the case for much longer.

How am I going to make it through a meal with this arrogant asshole? I shove a piece of fruit into my mouth, closing my eyes and savoring it. They pop back open at the sound of a slamming door. King Naveen looks furious as he stalks over to the table.

He takes a few deep, exaggerated breaths before sitting down opposite of me.

I don’t have a clue what to say to this man after the stunt he pulled, and apparently, he’s not in a talking mood either. He pours the two of us glasses of wine, makes his plate, and starts shoveling food into his mouth, so I decide it’s best to do the same.

Maybe we can get through this after all.

He’s finished the entire pitcher of wine by the time I’ve taken my last bite.

I can feel his eyes burning a hole through me. When I finally glance up from the table, sure enough, his dark, hollowed-out, beady eyes are staring back at me.

Clearing my throat, I sit up straight and hold his stare. I won’t allow him to intimidate me anymore.

“Is there something on your mind, Princess?” he sneers, flicking his tongue across his teeth.

“Not at all. Just trying to enjoy my meal in peace.”

He hums, leaning back in his chair and placing his arms on the table. “Anything you want to confess?”

My brows furrow. “Confess? To you? No, I think I’m good.”

He nods, staring me down. “Then let me be clear. There will be no need for your guard in my kingdom. Once we are wed, you will be under my protection. If it would make you more comfortable then you can bring your lady-in-waiting. But, that little stunt they pulled will not go unpunished.”

My eyes widen as I try to remember to breathe. I can’t be without them. My mother told me my room was my safe haven, but being with them is the only time I feel protected. Knowing they will keep all the darkness away allows me to be free. I can’t lose that—I can’t lose them. It will break me.

“But they are my guard. The king chose them for me.” Panic seizes my chest.

He raises a brow. “The king is the one who insisted you come alone, but I couldn’t agree more. What kind of man would I be if I couldn’t protect my own wife?” He frowns, narrowing his eyes. “I should be insulted, but I’ll let this slide. This once,” he adds, and a chill travels down my spine.

“I didn’t mean to offend you, King Naveen. It’s just that my father handpicked—” he slams his fists against the table in anger. It takes everything in me not to fly out of my seat and leave. I take a few deep breaths trying to calm myself.

“Was that necessary?” I say arching my brow.

We lock eyes, neither of us blinking or breaking contact. He leans forward, pushing up onto his elbows. He’s in my face before I have time to blink. “You aren’t necessary, Princess. And if you keep behaving like an intolerable brat, I’ll show you just how unnecessary you are.” He pushes up from the table, pacing the room.

“I knew better than to trust your sniveling brother to keep his word. This whole arrangement has been a farce from the beginning.” He shouts in a manic state.

King Naveen sneers at me as he braces his hands against the edge of the table, narrowing his eyes at me. In a flash, he’s reaching across and pulling me toward him. “Tell me, Princess, have you been a naughty girl?”

I wrench my arm from his grasp, and he releases me. “What the fuck are you talking about? You have no—” My words die in my throat as he tosses the table to the side.