Page 62 of Pretty Little Thief

“Going back to the queen dowager’s room and searching the tunnels. The castle should be quiet during the feast. I think that’s our best bet for going back. What do you say Tristan? Are you up for a little game of hide-n-seek in the secret tunnels?”

Tristan throws a playful smirk my way and I’m flooded with memories of his tongue inside me. His grin spreads across his face as he arches a brow.Yes, asshole. I’m thinking about the way you devoured me.

My lips form a tight line, trying to fight off the sudden heat of desire floating up my spine.

“Yeah, that sounds good. I’ve been wanting to search the tunnels anyway. Even if we don’t find her, at least I can see where they lead,” Tristan chuckles, and the guys look between the two of us.

“Okay, now that we have that figured out. Let’s get this shit show on the road,” I tease.

“Such a lady, kitten,” Greyson purrs, leaning in, his lips skimming my neck. I wish he would dive in for a taste, but I know that now isn’t the time or place.

“Never claimed to be a lady, Grey. It’s just the title I was given.” We laugh as we head back to the throne room for another round of fake smiles and unbearable conversations.

I have a feeling this is going to be a long night.




Rami and King Naveen are waiting outside the doors as we arrive. “Ah, Princess, late as usual,” my brother snarks.

I roll my eyes as I try to step around them, but neither of them make any effort to move. Scowling at the two of them, I place my hand on my hip and pop it out. “Is there a reason the two of you are standing here like statues, or do you make it a habit of irritating all the guests?”

They both laugh diabolically, sending a chill down my spine. “You won’t be attending the feast tonight, sister. We’ve made other arrangements,” Rami says with an evil grin.

“What do you mean, Rami? Stop playing games and get out of my way.”

King Naveen grabs me by the arm, pulling me into him. “Your brother thought it would be nice if you dined in my chambers, so we could get more acquainted with one another.” My back stiffens, and my eyes go wide. He grips my arm so tight I’m sure there will be a bruise tomorrow.

“I-I don’t think that’s appropriate, Your Highness,” I say nervously, trying to pull my arm away from him.

“That’s not up for you to decide, Princess.” He nods to his guard. “Escort the princess to my chambers. I’ll be there shortly,” he instructs, then turns to my own guard. “Your presence isn’t necessary.”

“Last I checked, we don’t take orders from you. You’re a guest at Windemere. Probably best you try and remember that,” Callum says, stepping up beside me. The king releases my arm as the tension builds between us.

“No, but you do take orders from me,” Rami squeals like the coward he is. “King Naveen has offered to host his future wife for supper, and that doesn’t require your attendance.”

Callum faces off with my brother. He raises his brows, questioning my brother’s stance, and of course, Rami starts to cower. It’s actually quite pathetic the way he backs down. I knew he was a puppet, but damn, he doesn’t even have a backbone to stand behind his own words.

“Well, you can wait outside the door. Let them eat in peace,” Rami backtracks. “After they’re married, you won’t be in service to the princess any longer, so you four may as well get used to the idea now.”

My heart races as I clench my fists at my sides.

“Calm down, little mouse. It’s only dinner.” My shoulders drop with relief. “For now,” King Naveen says.

I shut my eyes with a shudder running through me. They want to torment me. They want to see me squirm, but I won’t give them the satisfaction. Not now, not ever.

It’s fine, I can do this. It’s only dinner. I’ve made it through worse.

“Let’s get this over with,” I say to my guard as we stalk away.

“Come on, Princess, don’t be such a cunt. If things go well, I’ll give you something that will cheer you right up,” King Naveen shouts, and I’m mortified.

Before I can swallow the humiliation being dished out, Dom turns his icy glare on King Naveen, stalking toward him with one hand on his sword. Tristan and Greyson try to stop him, but he shakes them off.

The king’s guard steps forward to block him, but he’s too quick. Within a blink of an eye, Dominic has stepped from his place at my side, crossed the distance between us, and shoved King Naveen back into the door with a knife held to his throat.