Page 116 of Kings & Corruption

“Rock?” Calling out was almost a reflex, a way to prove to myself that everything was fine, but my voice sounded scared even to my own ears.

Two more footsteps sounded in the leaves, closer this time.

Fuck this.

I pushed off the tree and hurried back toward the trail, breathing a sigh of relief when I reached it. The light of the fire was clearer here, the sound of the party closer.

I was okay. I’d be surrounded by laughter and music and the Kings again in just a couple of minutes.

I took two steps forward, then froze when someone stepped out of the trees up ahead. They were wearing head-to-toe black, including the ski mask that covered their face, but they were clearly a man, his frame tall and hulking.

I forced myself to speak. “What do you want?”

He started toward me, his footsteps slow.

I looked at the glow of the fire behind him. It was so close, but he was blocking the trail. If I went through the trees, I might be able to circle my way back to the party.

He was walking faster now, and I took a step back. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, like watching his movements would somehow prevent the inevitable from happening.

He picked up his pace, making it even more clear that I was his target, closing the distance between us until I could see the dark glittering of his eyes through the holes of the mask.

That’s when I ran.



Footsteps sounded behind me, my pursuer immediately giving chase. The trail was almost invisible in the moonlight, but I stuck to it by instinct, afraid to get lost in the woods.

It didn't take long for my pursuer’s footsteps to grow closer, louder. Adrenaline shot through my body as panic set in, and I veered to the left, breaking through the tree line into the woods.

As dark as it had been on the trail, it was ten times darker now. My breath fogged the air in front of me, but other than that I couldn't make out anything except the shadows of trees all around.

I didn't have time to hope I’d lost whoever was following me. His footsteps crashed behind me over the dead leaves on the forest floor. I ran like my life depended on it, probably because it did, hardly noticing the branches that snagged my clothes and scraped my arms.

I knew it was foolish to look back, that it would cost me precious seconds, my footsteps slowing to make up for the distraction, but I couldn't help myself. I dared to look over my shoulder and caught movement in the shadows only feet behind me.

I urged my legs to move faster, then gasped when a low-hanging branch smacked me in the face. Something hot dripped down my cheek and I knew I was bleeding.

I was trying to keep myself oriented, remembering where the bonfire had been when I'd been on my way back to it on the trail, and I made another left, diving into another dense section of the woods that seemed to go on and on. I thought I might have glimpsed a glow in the distance up ahead, but I couldn't be sure.

A cry for help lodged itself in my throat but I couldn't shake it loose, some survival instinct kicking in and telling me that every ounce of energy expended would cost me speed.

I pumped my legs harder, aiming for the space through the trees where I thought I might have seen the fire. Except I was running so fast I didn't have any hope of making out obstacles around me.

My foot caught a raised tree root on the ground, and I went down fast and hard.

A cry was wrenched from my lips as I slammed onto my elbows in an attempt to break my fall. I barely noticed the pain of something slicing into my thigh. I hauled myself up by my arms, crawling as I tried to get to my feet again, knowing my pursuer had to be closer, half expecting hands to close around my shoulders.

Back on my feet, I pushed myself forward again. I raced through the trees, my lungs on fire, my leg and cheek burning. I dared to hope the fall hadn't cost me too much time, that by some miracle I might make it back to the fire.

Then I slammed into the wall of a man's solid body.

It stopped me cold and I knew I'd been a fool. The man had taken advantage of my fall, not to gain on me from behind but to circle ahead through the woods and meet me from the front.

I kicked and flailed, screaming and shouting, hoping someone at the party would hear me over the music. My body was in full panic mode, oblivious to everything but the immediate threat, which was why I didn't realize that someone was saying my name.

“Willa! Willa! It's okay. You're okay. It's me." I stilled, gasping for breath, and looked up into Neo's face. “It's okay. I've got you. I've got you." He was holding me close, pressed against his chest, his big hands smoothing my hair as he murmured the words, “You’re safe. You're safe. You’re safe.”