Page 115 of Kings & Corruption

His hands slid down to my hips. He pressed me tighter against him, leaving no doubt about what he was referring to. His hard dick was impossible to ignore against my ass and a familiar yawn of need opened up in my pussy.

“No maybe about it, kitten." He took my hand and tugged me away from the precipice, then led me toward the trees.

I didn't question where we were going. Wherever it was, it was away from the crowd, into the woods where I could put my money where my mouth was, if that's really what I wanted to do.

And it was really, really what I wanted to do.

Anticipation only amped my desire as he led me down a narrow trail, then off into a stand of trees.

He pulled me behind them and pushed me back against the thick trunk of a giant tree. I was surprised by the force of it. When it came to the Kings, I’d come to think of Rock as the teddy bear of the bunch, but a second later I was ready to reevaluate that opinion.

He lowered his mouth to mine all at once, capturing my lips in a fierce kiss and pressing his knee between my thighs.

I was hungry for him, drunk on both the alcohol I’d consumed and the way his lips felt on mine, his tongue setting my mouth on fire as it swept and demanded. His hand slid up my shirt, kneading one of my tits while he pressed my pebbled nipple between two fingers, just hard enough to ramp up my pleasure.

His thigh between my legs teased my pussy, and I angled for more friction on my clit.

He broke our kiss, and I was gratified to hear his heavy breathing as he kissed his way along my jawbone and down my neck.

"That's right, kitten,” he murmured. "Ride my leg.”

I didn't need any encouragement. I was grinding on his thigh, an orgasm already within reach. I was beyond any kind of shame or embarrassment, too busy working the rhythm on my clit to care.

"That's my good girl," he coaxed.

I wanted him to fuck me, but it was a distant second to my urgent need to come, and I was already all over that one, release close enough to touch.

He lifted my shirt higher and pulled down one side of my bra. I only had a second to gasp against the cold night air on my sensitive nipple before his hot mouth closed around it.

It sent me over the edge and I came hard, riding against his thigh, trying to stifle my moans as my body shattered from the impact.

He didn't stop sucking until I stopped moving, falling limp against his body, holding me up against the tree as I came back to reality.

He kissed me and started working the button on my jeans. “Fuck, it's fun making you come, but this time it's going to be with my mouth or my cock.”

I should have been emptied out after the orgasm he’d just given me, but his words sent a fresh swell of lust through my body just as a voice cut through the woods.

"Rock!" It was unmistakably Oscar, and it was like cold water on my desire. Rock and Oscar had been seemingly good sports about whatever was between the three of us, but I had no desire to test that theory by having Oscar walk up on me with my shirt up, my tit exposed, and Rock's leg between my thighs.

Rock dropped his head to my shoulder with a groan. “Don’t move,” he said. “Not an inch.”

I laughed, fixed my bra, and pulled down my shirt. “I’m not going anywhere.”

I was more than ready to finish what Rock had started, my body already revving for the chance at another orgasm, this time with Rock’s big dick.

He turned away and hurried back to the trail, then turned toward the bonfire glowing through the trees. I was plummeted into the sudden quiet, the sounds of the party a distant backdrop to the wind through the trees and the scurry of small animals in the woods.

I was suddenly cold, the absence of Rock’s body heat all too noticeable, and I focused on the glow of the bonfire, still faintly visible through the trees.

I rubbed my arms, then froze when a branch snapped from the trees to my right.

The woods were quiet. Too quiet. The rustling of squirrels or whatever had been making noise earlier had fallen silent, nothing but the rush of October wind.

I thought maybe I’d imagined it, but a second later, the slow crunch of dead leaves sounded from the darkness in front of me. And it was no squirrel — it was a footstep.

Could it be Rock, coming back through the woods to scare me for fun?

No, that wasn’t right. I may not have known everything about him, but every instinct I had told me he wouldn’t think it was funny to try and scare me, especially after the package that had been mailed to the house.