Page 18 of Shifter Island

I worked diligently the whole day, serving people their meals. The next day was the same. I grew to like the simplicity of the job and the fact that I could chat with so many people as I served them meals. Slowly I opened up to the villagers more and more.

Two days later, between main meal times, Yoselin and I sat behind the dining hall in the shade of the building on wicker chairs and chatted about Santuario and its people. I quickly learned the latest gossip like who was wishing to mate with whom, and who was expecting a child.

Since the news was about people I met at the dining hall, I tried my best to remember the important details. Everyone had lived together for a few years now, and I was the new kid. I didn’t want to be left out, not understanding what was going on around me.

Yoselin asked me once about my life prior to coming to Isla Paraiso. I didn’t want to talk about my past though. I still felt pain, thinking about what had happened. But I didn’t want to offend Yoselin by not telling her anything like I had done with Gabriel. So I gave her a short and curt reply that there were “circumstances” that forced me to leave my parents, friend and job behind. Yoselin sympathized with me, but she noticed how upsetting the topic was and decided not to press me further.

“One thing for sure: Santuario is very different from the sleuth I was in. Everyone here supports each other. It’s wonderful,” I praised my new home.

Surprisingly, Yoselin lost her usual smile, turning serious. “We wouldn’t be able to survive if we didn’t stick together. We’re the only sleuth on Isla Paraiso that’s made of the wardens, not the ex-convicts. None of us could live amongst the prisoners and not worry about being stabbed in the back by someone who holds a grudge for being locked up in the past.”

“How many other clans are on the island?” I was curious about Isla Paraiso and its inhabitants.

“Besides us there’s Victor’s sleuth that takes up the entirety of the north to the middle of the island. Then there are the Bloody Claws to the east of us. They’re a clan made entirely of the worst of prisoners. And I really mean it. The convicts who came to Isla Paraiso were all terrible people, but the ones in that clan are the most dangerous of all. They frequently attack us on the border we have with them, but they also harass Victor and the last sleuth too, so we’ve let them be so far.”

“And the last clan, what are they like?”

“They’re called the Starry Banes and they’re made of criminals too, but we have a trade deal with them. They’re not good people, but they can be reasoned with.” Yoselin looked into the distance. Palms trees swayed in the gentle wind and birds of paradise jumped between branches, singing happily.

Peaceful moments like this one made me realize why the island was called “paradise”. Isla Paraiso was a truly beautiful place. But as gorgeous as it was, it was also deadly and treacherous. I had experienced how awful this “heaven” could be first-hand.

“You’ve been living together here in Santuario for three years now, right? Why did you stay behind after the uprising?” I didn’t understand that part.

What made the wardens of the prison want to live on this island, alongside the prisoners? They weren’t entirely safe here. I had seen bear shifters from Santuario leave on patrols in groups of five or six. They constantly needed to fight to protect the peace we so enjoyed here.

Yoselin looked back at me with a soft smile. “It’s because of Gabriel and Esteban. Nowhere else would we find such wonderful Alphas who do everything they can for the good of the clan.”

I opened my mouth in surprise. “You’re that loyal to those two?”

Yoselin’ smile grew brighter. “If you give them a chance, you will see for yourself what wonderful people those two are.” She winked at me.

I made a face. I wasn’t looking for romance, especially not with Alphas. “Ah, stop it! Still, you have a point there. The sleuth I grew up in wasn’t such a happy and friendly place like Santuario.”

“That means we made the right choice!” Yoselin clapped her hands. “Honestly at first the decision was difficult, but I had known Gabriel and Esteban for years and so had the others. Half of the staff left, but the other half stayed behind on the island, and together we formed Santuario.”

“What about the ex-prisoners? Why aren’t they leaving?” They had fought so hard for their freedom and yet they had stayed behind on the island? That choice made little sense.

“They’re magically prevented from leaving. I don’t know exactly how it works. You’d have to ask Gabriel or Esteban if you’re curious. They were higher than me in the warden chain of command.”

I nodded, even though I had no intention of talking to the Alphas about this topic. Magic was something I didn’t really understand. I had encountered some devices in my life that worked small miracles, but I was a numbers and code girl. I preferred science to magic, so I had never paid much attention to magical inventions.

“Daphne, Yoselin, are you here?” I heard a familiar voice from around the corner of the dining hall. A moment later Gabriel appeared, his characteristic wide and charming smile on his face.

I was again hit with the realization of how handsome the man was. He had his white shirt entirely open today, showing off his six pack. He must have noticed me staring because he winked at me. I quickly looked away, embarrassed.

I didn’t want to get closer to Gabriel. I didn’t want romance. Now wasn’t a good time for love, not so soon after I had been rejected but still I couldn’t help noticing how hot the man was. I felt like a schoolgirl around him, ogling her first crush. That kind of person wasn’t me though. Why was I such a mess around him?

“Hello, Gabriel!” Yoselin greeted the Alpha with a smile. “What brings you to us?”

“I wanted to extend an invitation to you two beautiful ladies. Some of us will go outside the town walls to play beach volleyball after dinner. I hope you’ll join us.” Gabriel’s attention was on me the entire time he spoke. Even though he was inviting Yoselin too, he didn’t even glance in her direction.

I shifted from foot to foot. Why was he staring at me with such a warm look?

“What do you think, Daphne? Should we go?” Yoselin asked me.

Did I want to play beach volleyball with everyone? Yoselin would be there, which was a plus, but sowould Gabriel. I didn’t want to avoid the Alpha. However, I didn’t know how to act around him so avoiding being close to him was the easiest option.

“I… don’t know…” I muttered, uncertain.