Page 19 of Shifter Island

“Oh come on! It will be fun!” Yoselin grabbed my hand. I glanced at her. She seemed like she really wanted to play. “I will introduce you to some more people! If you don’t want to play, you can sit on the sand and watch.”

Maybe it would be good for my mind to focus on something besides work for a change. Something fun. Sports were fun. I wasn’t someone who avoided exercise.

“Alright,” I nodded.

“Excellent!” Gabriel seemed very pleased with my reply. “At five at the usual spot then.”

“We will be there!” Yoselin reassured him.

I hoped I would have fun. Goddess of Nature knew how on edge I was lately. I could use some relaxation.


After work, Yoselin led me to the beach. The waves hit the shore gently, and birds flew above the sea. Two guys were hanging the volleyball net between two palm trees. The ball was lying on the ground near a group of people – men and women, chatting loudly and cheerfully. Apparently there would be enough players for a full team and some spare people. I really could just sit and watch if I didn’t want to move.

“Let me introduce you to those two wonderful gentlemen!” Yoselin took my hand and pulled me towards the two men who were hanging the net. “Hender,” she pointed to a large burly man with a bushy beard, “and Jaime,” she indicated a tall but slim man on the other side.

“Who are they?” I asked curiously.

“Hender is a lumberjack,” that explained why he was so strongly-built. “and Jaime’s a hunter. And they’re my mates!”

Yoselin ran up to the first man, and they shared a passionate kiss. Then she approached the other man, and they kissed as well.

I stood there with my mouth gaping open, completely dumbfounded. Yoselin returned and stood in front of me with a smile full of such pure happiness and love but my mind still didn’t want to catch up to her reality.

“Wait… you mean you have… two mates? At once?” I finally squeaked out.

Yoselin laughed very loudly. She took my hand and led me into the shade of the palm trees. We sat together, side by side.

“Indeed, I have two mates and I love them very much. I also have two children with them, Franco who is 6 years old, and 8-year-old Marcos,” Yoselin explained patiently, as if I were a child myself.

And I very much felt like one when it came to such matters. “I didn’t know one person could have two mates! I mean…” I blushed, “I’ve heard about people being in relationships with two or three others but…”

“Such relationships are called ménage à trois, and indeed the Goddess of Nature can bless three people with a mating bond. It happened to Hender, Jaime and me.”

I didn’t know what to think about this new concept. “How can you handle two men… at once…” I said before I thought better of it. “Ah, am I being too nosy?”

“Not at all! They are a handful, but both our everyday lives and the sex are amazing! Have you ever tried sleeping with two men at once?” Yoselin chuckled like a teenager.

I shook my head. “No, never. I don’t think I would be able to handle something that intense.” I couldn’t even picture how that situation would work. I was very much a vanilla girl but if I had the opportunity to try having sex with two men, would I take it?

“Maybe you will see for yourself soon.” Yoselin winked at me.

I stared at her, raising my eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

“Oh, come on,” she whacked my arm playfully but not hard enough to hurt me. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the way Gabriel and Esteban look at you!”

“I…” What did she mean? How did they look at me? I hadn’t noticed anything! Well, I did see the warmth in Gabriel’s eyes sometimes, but… Did the way he looked at me mean something special?

Yoselin pulled her eyebrows together in a frown. “Poor guys, you’re so oblivious! I’m telling you as your friend then: Gabriel and Esteban are interested in you!”

I stared at her like she had grown a second head.

“Yoselin, we’re starting!” Someone called out to us from the volleyball field.

The guys and girls had already taken their places on both sides of the net. Gabriel and Esteban were there too. Gabriel waved at me, and Esteban had a small smile on his face. I blushed, hunching my shoulders.

“I’m going to sit this one out,” I told Yoselin.