“You would dare threaten me? I am Lancaster of the–”

“I’m aware of who you are. It’s you who is forgetting their place.”

A darkness came off Kellan, a literal wave of darkness. It swirled around him, from feet to toes, and it grew, filling the room as he spoke.

“Kellan.” Shay reached out, touching his arm. Her voice was soft.

As she spoke, some of the darkness dissipated, but not all of it. It was still swirling around him, hanging tight at the moment.

She took a step forward. “I remember you from last night, Mr. Lancaster, but I don’t believe we exchanged our own names.”

“Because he makes the mistakes so many others do.” Kellan smirked at him. “He’s thinks I’m the only threat in here.”

Gum grunted.

Shay shot Gum a small smile, who’d returned to his normal buff size. “We’re aware of your affiliations.”

“Thank you. That’s all I wanted to add.” He held out a hand, moving back to the counter. “Have at it, but if you break anything you’re fixing it. Also, you have until I finish my work before everyone is out. And I mean it. Everyone. I don’t give a damn what the issue is here.”


As he spoke, Gum returned to his doubled size, and his voice thundered out of him, “You will not say my name.” The room shook. The tables. Glassware fell, shattering. The floorboards began shaking underneath us. “You forgot the territory you’re in, Lancaster of the Roku Family. I do not adhere to your commands and you don’t have the privilege to speak my family name.”

Lancaster glared at him, but he didn’t match him in size. As Gum continued to loom over him, Lancaster averted his gaze to…me. Me? Why me? But I felt the heat from his hatred burning through my chest. I squeaked as Caden brought me to him, a hand going to my hip, and pulling me behind him. As he did, Lancaster said, “My apologies,Gum.”

Well. We could all tell how he thought of the replacement name. I could hear the sneer.

“Your problem is with these humans and this other worldly couple, but I warn you, Lancaster. If you make one move to harm any of these humans, you will face ramifications from me.”

He returned to normal, and the building stopped shaking.

“These humans must not know of us. There are other beings in the area. Families. Generations. We have lived here, feeling safe. If you allow these humans to know of us, that safety is gone.Generations.”

“They won’t tell–” She Shay started to talk.

“They will tell. It takes one word. One word. With the technology now available to them? They wouldn’t even need to say it out loud, but they could do one video talking about the possibility of us existing. That would be enough. You know there are others out there looking for us, hunting us. Theycannotfind us. These humans would be hunted themselves.”

Caden clasped me tighter to him.

“They’d be taken. Tortured. Wiping their memories isn’t just for myself and my kind. It’s for them as well. You have spent time with these humans. An evening now. Drank with them. Laughed with them. Talked with them. Do you want them to face those ramifications?”

Everyone got quiet. The weight of his words were felt. They were heavy. Oppressive.

But he was making sense.

I was not one to sign up for torture, and if this was the beginning of just one day knowing about them? I shivered at the thought of who these other beings are that would hunt them, would find us to find them.

I reached for Caden’s hand gripping it hard.

He squeezed me, trying for reassurance.

“What about my brother and his girlfriend?”

She Shay glanced at Kellan before answering, “When I’ll do the words, I’ll include them in my mind. It’ll happen simultaneously. It doesn’t have to be in person for it to work.”

Kennedy gave a small nod before sharing a look with her Shay.

He spoke, “It’s okay.” He took Kennedy’s hand, stepping forward. “It’s been a fun adventure, but if what you say is right, no one can hurt my family. I won’t stand for it. If wiping my memory helps to save Kennedy, I’ll do it.” He said to Kellan, “We wouldn’t give you permission before, but I do now.”