Kennedy nodded, a tear sliding down her face. She looked my way and we shared a look.

We had such fun.


The beach.

Finding out about demons and angels, and whatever Gum was.

We’d not know any of that anymore. We’d not know them anymore.

“...These humans would be hunted themselves… Taken. Tortured…”

Lancaster was right. It broke a piece of my soul to admit that, but he was. I stepped around Caden, raising my chin. “It’s okay. This isn’t our world. We don’t know the rules, the consequences. If doing this helps to save you and us as well, we have to do it.” I looked at Kellan, whose gaze was clouded and nearly all black. “I give you permission to remove any knowledge of yourselves and mermaids.”

Caden sighed, pulling me to his chest and bending his head down. His lips grazed my forehead, but it was decided. We’d all do it.

If it was for the best.

Gum and Lancasterstood in the background as we were all lined up, side by side.

It was the same as how it happened the first time.

Kellan sent out some form of power, and Shay went to each of us, reciting the same words, adding in that we would forget spending time with them at the bar today. We would forget Lancaster. We would only remember Gum as the friendly bartender.

I’d like to say that when it was done, I felt something missing, but that’s not what happened.

On the last word she said, she repeated again from the beach, saying, “And now as your memories are taken, I fill in the gentle openings with laughter, love, and kindness. The magic will give us a pocket of time where we will leave, and once we are gone, everything will be complete.”

As she finished, Kellan moved aside so he could see me.

Then, nothing.

I blinked, unsteady on my feet, and did I smell sulfur?

“Hey!” A bark came from the bartender. He was half glaring at us, and gestured to the clock. “We’re past closing. You guys need to go.”

“Why do I feel like I just passed out after a full day’s bender, and I woke up on a bench in the park?” Kennedy came over, rubbing at her forehead.

I shook my head, a weird feeling settling through me. Like something was missing. “I don’t know, but I have a headache, and I’m exhausted.”

“Let’s go, people! Let’s go.”

Caden headed over to pay our tab, but the guy didn’t have to tell us again. I wanted to get out of there. Shay and Kennedy seemed of the same mindset.


We stayed for another three days, taking advantage of vacationing with our friends.

I loved it, but we never went back to that bar. Every time a local would recommend it, a sadness came over me. I couldn’t explain it. I just knew I didn’t want to go there, so we didn’t. We went to all the other bars in the area. Restaurants. We went shopping. Walked on the beach. Spent time at Kennedy’s brother’s house.

When it was time to leave, we packed up our truck and didn’t look at the code as we left the Airbnb we’d rented. It’d been such a steal to find at the last minute, but I knew we wouldn’t be coming back so whatever the new code was wouldn’t matter anymore.

As we drove to our next spot, we stopped in a gas station for a last fill-up.

I hopped out of the van, heading inside. “You want coffee?”

“No. Just water for me. Thanks, babe.”