Of course, everyone knew the answer to that. And after interrogating Rosalie about her past lovers, the truth made him feel like a fool.

"No one serious," he muttered. "Perhaps you're right that we should keep this conversation focused on Jay. What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"I think it's important, for Jay's sake, that we try to improve our relationship. Were it not for the curse, I might think differently, but we're all stuck here with nowhere to go. That means you will have a chance to develop the connection with your son that I've deprived you of."

And by proxy, she was allowing him an opportunity to woo her again, he realized, whether that was her intention or not. Dominick could still find a way to reach her through Jay.

So long as Rosalie didn't do whatever Aelwen told her to do to break the curse before that happened.

"That's very kind of you," Dominick said. "I feel as though there is a lot I must make up for, and perhaps now, I'll have the chance to do so." He shook his head. "I never thought I would be thankful for this blasted curse."

"Me neither."

He looked up at that. "What are you thankful for, exactly?"

Her cheeks flushed a little, but she met his gaze, too. Those pink eyes glowed like distant galaxies. "I'm thankful that I no longer have to carry the burden of this secret. That my son can finally have the father, he's longed for his entire life." She paused, sipped her wine, and sighed. "And perhaps I am also thankful that we can finally let go of all the hate between us."

"I've never hated you, Rose."

Her eyelashes fluttered, and desire burned in his stomach. He pushed it down.

"Haven't you?" she said.

"I hated the fact that you left me. But never you. I could never hate you." Dominick swallowed thickly, realizing that he still had so much to say to her. So many wrongs to make right for. But now wasn't the time to tell her. She'd made that much clear already. "And I hate the fact that you've kept Jay from me all this time. But I know I was horrible to you, Rosalie. I hope you can trust that I will never be that way to our son. I will provide him with everything I am capable of, any anything you ask for."

"I believe you. Jay believes you, too. For his sake, I hope you're telling the truth."

Silence brewed between them, and Rosalie tilted her head back, polishing off the rest of her wine. As she did, Dominick could not help but admire her beauty. Every time he looked at her, he was reminded of all the things they had once shared and lost. He thought back to the day they first met and how his breath had been taken away by her radiance and grace. He'd made the mistake of believing she was just an innocent girl, and oh, how she had schooled him.

Now, as years had gone by, she was even more beautiful than before. She moved with an elegance that was so captivating it made Dominick's breath hitch in his throat. His heart ached for the moments they could have shared if things were different; however, he cherished the present moment just as much as any memory from their past together.

"Well, then, with that settled, I hope we can be more amicable toward each other," Rosalie said as she climbed toward her feet. "I better get going. I have ... plans."

It was a poorly constructed lie. One he was tempted to call her out on simply because he wanted to spend more time basking in her presence. But what excuse could he come up with to make her stay?

Dominick stood alongside her and looking into the relaxed calmness of her eyes, he saw the hesitation there. The same desire that he felt mirrored inside him, flickering warmth and need—a need for each other—that he couldn't quite form the words to describe.

And so, before Rosalie could take another step away, he leaned forward and kissed her. She gasped into his mouth, but she did not pull away.

The temperature around them seemed to drop as Dominick, and Rosalie let the moment linger, her soft lips completely still against his. His hands ached to move and explore, but he resisted, realizing what he'd done. In embarrassment, he withdrew them back to his sides. He wanted her to stay more than anything at that moment but could not allow himself to act on such a selfish desire.

Finally, he pulled away and looked into her eyes, embarrassed at his impulsiveness. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what possessed me. I must have lost my mind—"

But Rosalie didn't let him finish. She cupped his face and leaned in, pressing her lips to his again. Dominick was less hesitant this time, kissing her back with a passion he had not known for years. His hands moved up to her shoulders, pulling her close as if for fear that she might disappear at any moment, that she might change her mind, and they would never kiss again.

The kiss seemed to last forever—her tongue tangling with his as she panted into his mouth with feverish desperation. They lost themselves in each other's warmth. They had grown in the past few days, and this felt like the first time they'd connected with one another again. Finally, Rosalie pulled away and looked up into Dominick's eyes with an unmistakable longing that made it difficult for him to look away from her gaze.

"Don't apologize," she whispered against his lips, sending shivers down his spine. "Not for doing what I wanted you to do."

Their lips met again, and Dominick let out a relieved sigh as he melted into the kiss, his body alive with energy and electricity. His hands traveled up to her cheeks as they continued to kiss, deepening their embrace. The heat between them was undeniable as if the years had melted away in that one single moment.

In a moment of heated passion, Dominick swept Rosalie into his arms, not taking his mouth from hers as he carried her off to the nearest bedroom. He kicked the door open and gently placed her on the bed, her blonde hair fanning around her head. She looked beautiful, with a playful twinkle in her eyes, and desire pooled low in his stomach. Their lips never left each other for a second as they explored each other's curves and contours.

Dominick felt like he was home. Surrounded by Rosalie's warmth and love. He kissed her neck as he unlaced her dress, then pulled the dress down her slender body. His tongue lingered on her breasts, her stomach—everywhere that his mouth could reach—as if the entire world had become her. With every touch, they became connected on a deeper level. Her heartbeat, erratic with the same lust he was experiencing, was like a song only Dominick knew the notes to.

When her dress was finally off and she was bare before him, he leaned back to take in her exquisite body. Pale skin like milk, shimmering like silver in the pale moonlight. He'd never seen a woman more beautiful than her in all his years. She was the only woman he'd ever truly wanted.

They were meant to be together, weren't they?