When she finished her final note, there was complete silence for what felt like ages. So silent that, for a moment, it was deafening. Until finally, Rosalie rose to her feet and broke out in fierce applause. Dominick, too, clapped for the incredible performance.

He couldn't help but feel proud for having invited Rosalie to this special event, knowing full well how moved she must have been by Isabella's singing.

"That was incredible," Rosalie said, breathless. "I've never heard anything like it."

"Isabella is an amazing singer."

"I can see why you try to keep her all to yourself."

"I wouldn't go that far," Dominick said. "But, we do have the advantage of her being just as stuck as we are. You're welcome to request a performance whenever you like."

Rosalie's eyebrows shot up. "I'm tempted, but ... before I even consider something like that, we really should talk, Dom."

Dom. The small nickname ... it was only a tiny hint of endearment, and yet it meant the world to him. It was a sign of hope.

"How about we go somewhere more private for a drink?"

She nodded, and they left together to enjoy each other's company in one of the many rooms sitting unoccupied in the palace. Of course, they were all well-kept, and when the doors swept open beneath Dominick's fingertips, the plush couches were welcoming. While Rosalie played with the fireplace until she hit a spark and had a fire going, Domnick dug around in one of the cabinets to see what this room had for a drink selection. He liked to have all his rooms stocked with alcohol in case he made an impromptu visit. Unfortunately, blood couldn't be left around and easily accessible like this.

He found a bottle with a label he liked, then brought it over to the couch where Rosalie was waiting for him. There, he poured them each a glass, and he handed one to her.

She immediately drank half of the glass, then held it out for him to refill, which he did, with a chuckle. Naturally, she was nervous, as was he.

Rosalie was the only woman who'd ever made him nervous.

She relaxed deeper into the plush couch, her eyes dark in the shadows, illuminated by the erratic light of the fire. The room was beginning to warm already, and Dominick found himself relaxed by the time he seated himself at Rosalie's side.

There was an unusual expression on her face. Wistful, almost, as she stared into the fire, not at him. "Isabella's singing reminded me of the first time I was in love. When the feelings I had overpowered everything—it felt like nothing else mattered in the world."

Dominick knew exactly what she meant, but he didn't say anything, just let her continue.

"It was wonderful, and yet, looking back on it now, I realize I was naive. Love has its limitations. There are so many pieces that have to work together for a relationship to function Now that I have a son, I can't see myself ever loving someone more than him."

Dominick swallowed. He mourned the infinite, single-focus ferocity of love Rosalie had had for him once upon a time. Yet he also understood that he had played his part in losing it.

And now, having spent time with Jay, Dominick couldn't find himself to be jealous of Rosalie's affection for their son. Jay deserved a mother who loved him more than anything.

"I never expect to be the man you love more than anything ever again," Dominick said solemnly, “but I hope I can earn your love one day. Losing you has been my greatest regret—"

Rosalie shook her head. "I'm not ready to talk about us. I'm sorry. While I understand that you were emotional when you found out about Jay being my son, you failed to treat me with dignity and respect. You don't call someone you love a whore and mean it, Dom."

"I didn't mean it. I was just overwhelmed and angry, and the thought of you being with another man made me irrational and hurt."

"I understand how you might have felt, but that's not an excuse, is it? You meant what you said under the circumstances in which you said it. That's all that matters. It was hurtful and horrible, and I suggest you reflect on why I left you in the first place if you're confused. We've been separated for ten years. Had I chosen to start a family with another man, that very well would have been my right?"

Despite himself, shame and anger rose like a festering hurricane inside Dominick. While he rationally knew that Rosalie was right and had no ownership over her after he'd destroyed their relationship, he couldn't see her with anyone else when she was supposed to be his.

"Haveyou been with someone else, Rose?" Dominick asked harshly.

She scoffed. "If I had been, that would hardly be any of your business, or did you miss the point?"

"You're avoiding the question—"

"Of course, I tried to find a father for Jay, someone who would love and care for both of us equally! But there was no one, not a single man, who was more interested in my son and me than my position in your court. Are you happy?"

Dominick took a hefty glug of his drink, letting the sweet yet bitter liquid temper him. "Of course not," he said at last. "I wish someone had been there for you all these years. I wishIhad been there."

"The better question is if you've been with anyone, Dom."