Instead, he merely shook his head no sadly "...No. I haven't."

He expected her to turn away and go back down the corridor. "Well then ... we'll have to keep looking. There has to be another way."

"Another way? You mean you know of one?"

"I mean, beyond just staying trapped and pretending this is normal. It's not. I want to go home."

Dominick snorted. "This is my home, and I'm sick of it already. I can only imagine how you feel."

"Lonely, a lot of the time," she admitted. "I've been very isolated here for the past five months because I've always had to keep an eye on Jay. I wish the truth about him had come out a little gentler, but Roland taking him for lessons has given me a bit more freedom around the castle."

Dominick wished for nothing more than to ease her loneliness, but he wasn't sure that she would let him. Still, the opening about Jay provided him with an opportunity.

"In that case, would you like to come with me tonight?" He asked her gently. "I've convinced one of my noble ladies to put on an opera performance, it was intended to be an event open for the entire castle, but I could make it private for the two of us. It could be an opportunity for us to talk about the situation we've found ourselves in."

Rosalie looked surprised at his invitation, but her expression brightened, if just a bit. "Opera? Based on how long we've been stuck here, I didn't think I'd have the chance to go to the theatre for many more months. You've had a singer here this long and haven't asked her to perform for you yet?"

"When stuck for an indefinite amount of time, sometimes it's best to save the best for unexpected opportunities. So, what do you think? Will you come with me?"

Dominick smiled at her in anticipation, a warm bubble of hope growing by the second. He couldn't undo the past, but perhaps he could start to mend what was broken between them, one day, one interaction at a time.

It was only thanks to Jay that it might be possible.

"I suppose it couldn't hurt," Rosalie said. "I've been meaning to talk to you, after all.

"Wonderful," he said softly. "Isabella is one of my favorite singers, and she conveys such a beautiful story with her voice and words without requiring any other performers on stage to do it. You're in for a treat."

"I look forward to it. I'll see you tonight, then?"

He nodded, and Rosalie continued on her way down the hall. Dominick couldn't help but notice how light her footsteps seemed as she glided down the hall, almost floating like a faerie before disappearing around a corner.

She looked like he felt—like he was floating.


Anticipating a night spent with Rosalie made the rest of the evening go by quickly, with Dominick making a flurry of preparations so that no one else would disturb the performance. It was to be exclusively for him and Rosalie, no one else. Guards would be stationed at all the doors, and the two of them would be alone and free to talk.

When the designated hour arrived, Dominick waited patiently in front of the heavy wooden doors that separated his pride and joy from the rest of the castle. Seldom did he allow anyone within except for his most esteemed guests—which Rosalie would normally be a part of, had there been any performances scheduled there.

Alas, Dominick had not allowed any performances to take place in his palace since the curse dampened his mood. But in that time, Isabella had assured him that she'd been hard at work creating new songs and practicing for whenever he was ready to call upon her abilities.

Now was that time, and surely, the night would impress Rosalie.

He waited anxiously for her, and Dominick's jaw practically hit the floor when she arrived. She wore a stunning dress that looked more like motes of stardust than fabric as it twinkled in the light from the nearby chandeliers.

Dominick felt faint, and it took him a moment to regain his composure. "You look stunning," he murmured. "Almost as if we were attending the opera in the city."

"I always dress to impress, Dom. You know that."

He noted the hint of playfulness in her voice, and his heart soared. He offered his arm to her. "Allow me to guide you into the theatre."

She took his arm, and behind them, the grand doors began to open. When they turned around, Rosalie gasped in awe at the sight of a fully-stocked theatre with ornate decorations and intricate details that had been crafted by some of the finest architects in the kingdom. Glimmering chandeliers hung at equal intervals, angled, so the crystals filled the hall with luminous light.

With no one else in the theatre, Dominick guided Rosalie to a pair of plush, red velvet chairs that would give them the best view and the most stunning acoustics possible. He glanced at Rosalie as they sat, and she was grinning from ear to ear, making Dominick believe he'd made the right decision inviting her here.

The lights dimmed low as Isabella stepped out onto the stage. Her elegant ballgown complimented her beauty, the black gown slender fitting and flecked with silver that glowed as she moved. Soon her voice filled the room with its sweet tones that mesmerized Dominick, making him sway along with the song that told a story of love lost and found again through perseverance, an inspiring tale that resonated deep within Dominick's heart. As the song went on, the collection of music working together to tell the story over about an hour, Dominick constantly found himself looking at Rosalie more often than intended. Meanwhile, her gaze stayed locked on Isabella, her eyes glazed over with wonder.

As Isabella sang each note with perfect clarity, it seemed like time itself was standing still just so Dominick and Rosalie could take in every detail of the beautiful performance.