Page 40 of In Pieces

“If that’s true, what is she doing, showing up at my office?”She asked.

“Pissing me off to start. But I think she’s just trying to cause waves between us. She’s trying to make you doubt our feelings for you,”I replied.

She stopped in the middle of the office and stared at me again. Her hands were pressed against her thighs, and I knew she was holding herself back from me, causing me to move forward. Before I even thought through my plan, I had an arm around her back, pulling her into me. She gasped lightly, her hands landing on my chest. Even that touch had me biting back a groan.

I ran my free hand up her bare arm and over her shoulder, until I reached her chin, where I gripped it, forcing her to look up at me.

“I know we all fought. I know we have shit to work out. That doesn’t change anything about how badly we want you,”I said.

“I don’t know if that’s enough,”she said.

“I’ll show you what’s enough,”I said, as I crush my lips to hers.

Despite her protests, she melted into my embrace immediately, lifting to her toes to try to meet my kiss. Her little hands dug into my shirt, gripping it as she tried to get closer. I turned us until I had her pressed against the wall of her office. Her tongue battled with mine, each stroke and caress pushing and pulling against one another.

I needed so much more of her and I didn’t think the office was the place for that. Pulling together my willpower, I pulled back. I looked down into her icy blue eyes, blurry with lust and need. Without question, I knew I would give her anything she wanted at that moment.

“Wanna go somewhere with me?”I asked, my voice gravely and deep.

She looked up at me for a moment, before her hand came up to tug lightly on my beard. Such a small gesture, but one for her only, and I had missed it.

“Sure, big man. Take me somewhere,”she said.

Quickly, Brooklyn packed up her bag and told Pam she was leaving for the rest of the day. I handed her briefcase to Frank and told him to go back to her apartment, as I would drive her home after our ride. I had a plan to get Brooklyn’s mind off her stress, just for a little while.

In the garage, I handed Brooklyn her helmet, and she looked up at me with a large smile. I had promised her a ride, and it was time to fulfill that promise. I got onto the bike and watched out of the corner of my eye as she hiked up her pencil skirt before sliding on behind me. Starting up the engine, Brooklyn’s arms slid easily around my waist until her hands were splayed across my front. I couldn’t help but take one, kiss its palm, before pressing it to my chest.

On the road, I went directly for the fastest way out of the city. As the buildings disappeared behind us, we wove along tree-lined roads, just us, the wind and the roar of the motorcycle under us. I could feel her laugh and cry out when I would go faster or take us quickly around a curve. I would never put Brooklyn at risk, but she didn’t realize I wasn’t taking the curves at the fastest speed I could.

An hour later, I pulled us off the main road, to a paved service road I’d been on. When we reached the destination I’d wanted to show her. I pulled my bike to the side of the service road, in case any larger vehicles needed to get by. Turning off the engine, we were dropped into the silence of nature, with only distant bird calls echoing through the air.

I held out my hand, and Brooklyn’s palm slid into mine. She carefully climbed off the bike and stretched. I stood up and massaged her lower back for a moment.

“Sorry, I didn’t think about how a long ride might be uncomfortable for you,”I murmured into her hair.

“It was worth it. This is beautiful,”she said.

In front of us was a small meadow surrounded by ancient trees that reached to pierce the blue sky. From my saddle bag, I pulled out a blanket and held my hand out to her. She looked from the meadow, to the blanket, to my hand, the wheels turning in her head. Without saying anything, she reached down to slip off her heels, leaving them next to the bike, before taking my hand.

We carefully picked our way through the grasses and wildflowers. I found a soft patch of grass and laid out of the blanket, and helped Brooklyn sit down comfortably. Sitting down next to her, I didn’t try to touch her again. I wanted to make sure whatever happened was her desire.

Brooklyn reached up and removed pins from her hair, allowing the blonde waves to slide over her shoulders and down her back. I squeezed my hands into tight fists to keep myself from touching it. But she was pushing my limits, as she ran her hands through the strands, leaning her head back and basking in the sun rays that came down on our spot.

I could see her glancing at me from the corner of her eye, so I turned my face toward her so she could see me enjoying the scene. A smile spread along her face as she closed her eyes against the sun’s strength. Not able to stop myself, I ran a finger along her jaw, causing her to shiver slightly.

“I’ve missed you, stellina,”I murmured.

Her eyes flash open and emotion spilled out at first, before she controlled it.

“Me too, Gideon,”she replied.

Brooklyn shifted until she was on her knees facing me. She had a moment of hesitation, but what she wanted won out and she climbed into my lap, straddling my hips. My hands fell to her thighs, finding exposed skin where her pencil skirt had bunched up. Her hands came up to frame my face.

“Can we not talk, big man?”

“Whatever you want, stellina.”

Her smile was beautiful as she leaned down to softly kiss me. She focused on my lips first, before her tongue snuck out and slid along the seam, asking for entrance. I immediately obliged, and she slowly slid her tongue along mine, causing me to groan. The sound spurred something in her and she pressed closer to me, angling her head and deepening our kiss.