Page 39 of In Pieces

That seemed to shake Brooklyn out of her silence. She looked around me to make sure the hallway was still empty. Frank was at the door waiting and Pam was still further down the hall, but no further audience had gathered. I knew Missy was disappointed by that.

“I’m sure you remember the way out. If not, Frank would gladly get you out of my office,”Brooklyn finally said.

I squeezed Brooklyn’s shoulder, and she leaned into me, putting a hand over mine. I didn’t know if she did it because she wanted to, or if it was a show for Missy. Either way it had my skin zinging with energy where she touched me. Across the table, Missy pressed her palms into the table as she stood. She wasn’ta tall woman, but she was trying to pull all of her intimidation together and direct it at Brooklyn.

Frank was already swinging open the door as Missy slowly made her way down toward our side of the room. As she neared, Brooklyn stood up, so now she was directly in front of me, her back pressed against my chest. Missy stopped next to us. She pretended to not notice Brooklyn and lifted her hand as if to touch my arm. Suddenly, Brooklyn’s hand snapped out, and she had Missy’s wrist gripped tightly.

“Do not touch him,”Brooklyn said, her voice eerily calm.

Missy’s eyes flicked up to me, as if I’m going to save her. I could tell Brooklyn’s fingers were tightening each moment Missy didn’t acknowledge what she’d been told. Frank stepped into the room, ready to break up what might happen. I glanced out the window again, just to confirm it was only Pam’s panicked eyes watching this all unfold.

I decided to dig in and add fuel to the fire. Bending down, I slid my lips along Brooklyn’s exposed neck, her tilting her head to give me better access. Missy’s eyes were sharp in anger as she watched the display.

“I do not care who you are, where you came from, or what history you have with MY men. You will not touch any of them again. Are we clear?”Brooklyn asked.

“Or what?”Missy spat.

“You do not want to know what I’m capable of,”Brooklyn replied, pushing away Missy’s hand, finally releasing her wrist.

Frank was now standing directly behind Missy, just waiting for my word. She looked between the three faces in the conference room, clearly judging her chances if she were to try anything else. Luckily for her, she seemed to decide that she had done enough damage. She flipped her dark hair before looking me in the eye again.

“Muscle man, when you get tired of this,”she said, motioning up and down Brooklyn’s body,“Come find me. I’ll remind you what a real woman feels like.”

With that, she shoved past Frank and stomped out of the conference room. Once she was in the hall, she straightened her back and started walking with the practice of someone that wanted the entire world to pay attention to her.

“Follow her out. Make sure she leaves,”I growled to Frank.

The conference room door swung shut behind him and both Brooklyn and I watch Missy until she’s out of sight. All at once, Brooklyn went limp, leaning back against me entirely. I gave myself the freedom to slide an arm around her waist, my hand against her stomach, holding her against me. We stood and just breathed together for a moment.

“How did you know she was here?”Brooklyn asked.

“Frank called,”I replied.

She just nodded, before laying her head back on my chest. I inhaled her lavender scent, as if it was the first breath of oxygen I had gotten in a week. Our private moment was broken when we both saw Frank coming back toward the conference room. I knew the moment Brooklyn got into her head, as her body stiffened and she slowly pulled away from me. She went to the door to meet Frank in the hallway.

“She’s gone, hired limo. I waited to make sure she didn’t have them circle back or something,”he said.

“How did she get in here?”Gideon asked.

“I was grabbing a coffee. I don’t usually sit in reception the whole day. But today I waited longer. When I went to get coffee, somehow Missy got to Pam and was able to get the meeting with Brooklyn,”he explained.

I nodded, but my eyes were on my girl. My body ached for her. I wanted to touch her, taste her, remind her that she belonged with me. I could see the shadows she had tried to hideunder her eyes, making me think her nightmares had come back. She wouldn’t meet my eye, no matter how long I stared.

“Brooklyn, are you ok?”Pam asked, as she came rushing toward us in the hallway.

Brooklyn turned toward her assistant and held out a hand for Pam to take. She smiled at her and reassured her that everything was fine. When she finally turned to look at me, her eyes were wary and I just wanted them to warm like they did before. She gestured with her head that I should follow her.

She lead the way to her office, which she entered, closing the door after I followed. Immediately, she moved away from me, as if she was afraid I would touch her. The move hurt, but I kept my face neutral and just leaned against the door, waiting to see what she wanted to say.

“I think it’s time someone explained to me, in more detail, what that woman is to you,”she said.

“Was, what she was to us. She isn’t anything present tense,”I replied.

“She seems to think she has some right to you, all of you.”

“Well, she’s delusional. I don’t want anyone except you. I know my brothers agree.”

Her eyes flashed to mine before she began to pace across her office. When she wasn’t looking at me, I watched her body move as she walked. Her legs looked long in her tight skirt and sky high heels. When she turned to walk back toward me, she caught me staring at her ass and I just shrugged my shoulder when she raised an eyebrow at me.