“Maddie’s not stupid. Hell, she’s smarter than me and I’m guessing you too. And she never lets anyone in. If you’re in, there’s a reason. And if she’s going to finally give somebody a chance, at least it’s not some weaselly little pencil dick who won’t or can’t protect her when I’m not around. You can at least keep her safe.” Dixon takes a long, slow breath, then grunts. “Looks like you’re the lesser of two evils, King.” He finishes his coffee, then puts the empty mug in the sink.
“But like I said, don’t fuck it up. My sister’s been hurt more already than most people will hurt in a lifetime. She deserves better. Question is, are you it?”
I stare at him, wondering where the hell this conversation came from and why Dixon would ever trust me as he leaves me in the kitchen, heading for the stairs. “Lock the door before you leave, Kingston.” Then he’s gone, and I’m left standing there, trying to figure out what just happened.
* * *
My first dayback in the gym sucks fucking ass.
Even just a few days off is enough to set you back. It doesn’t matter what kind of condition I keep myself in year-round, I still feel the difference. And that’s the bitch of choosing this profession. This life. But I’ve been training for it for years. I’m not about to go soft and hand my title over to Maniac McGuire.
“You’ve got less than four days to drop fourteen pounds, King. Get in the steam room.” Cade turns to Cooper, who’s been on my training team for the past two years, “Keep him moving.”
Coop just got here a few minutes ago and looks at me like maybe he’s rethinking helping today. But he cuts me off before I can say anything. “Shut up and sit in the damn steam room, King.”
Once my sauna suit is on with duct tape closing every opening it has, Coop sits across from me, with a pissed-off look on his face.
“Are you constipated or something?” I try to joke, but he just glares.
“You need to focus, King. Are you ready for this fight?”
“A representative from the league stopped by earlier for my drug test. I’ve gotta drop this weight, but I’ve had to drop more in less time than this. The Maniac doesn’t stand a fucking chance.” I fist-bump Coop and get back into position for another round of push-ups, but he doesn’t move. Doesn’t even say anything. “What else is on your mind, Sinclair?”
“Just keep your head in the game, King.”
That pinched fucking look is still on his face. “What are you talking about?”
“Maddie, dickhead. Don’t act stupid. I saw you Saturday night. I saw the look on your face. And I’m not talking about the way you were looking at Spider either. You’ve got a week left. Don’t split your focus now.” Not many people would have noticed that, but Coop isn’t everyone else. He’s a former Navy SEAL. This fucker was trained to notice everything.
“What would you have done if somebody said that about Carys?” I lob back at him.
And judging by the way his eye twitches at the mention of his wife, it hit the target. “You can’t fucking compare the two,” he snaps back at me. “I love my wife. Are you in love with Maddie?”
Well, damn.
That’s one way to slam me up against the cage.
Especially since I’m not sure about the answer.
* * *
“Thanks, D. I’ll see you tomorrow at ten to discuss the foundation’s push for the food drive and the new year.” I end my call with my best friend, with the meeting scheduled for her non-profit’s social-media presence and a list of research points I need to dig into later today.
Monday mornings are always housekeeping days for my business, followed by meetings in the afternoon, then a yoga class at Crucible at night. I guess I’m a creature of habit because the routine always calms my restless mind. And I’ve spent today more on edge than usual.
Last night was so far out of my comfort zone, I should have been crawling out of my skin. I think what’s freaking me out the most about it isI’m not.
It doesn’t even make sense.
But it’s occupied all my spare thoughts, so I’ve been trying to keep myself extra busy today.
It’s the only excuse I have for completely zoning out when my brother apparently came downstairs because when he clears his throat to let me know he’s two feet away, I’m pretty sure I jump high enough to hit the ceiling. “What the heck?” I stand and throw my arms around him. “Warn a girl next time. I didn’t know you were home.”
He holds me tightly to him, and the stress of the morning melts away. “Missed you, Mads.”
“I missed you too. But that was an incredible game yesterday. That block you made in the fourth quarter is why you guys won that game. I hope they realize that.” Brandon shakes his head at my excitement.