I have a few more days left ofno women... Pretty sure in some ways, I’ve already stepped over the line Cade draws in the sand before every fight.
It’s never been this hard before now. Beforeher.
When the alarm chimes at five a.m., I reach over, grab my phone from the nightstand, and turn it off, then roll back to my sunshine. She hasn’t cracked open an eye, but there’s a small smile tugging at her lips. “I’ve gotta go, sunshine.”
“Mmm... do you have to?” She nuzzles her face against me.
Okay, now I know she’s still asleep.
I lean down and kiss her forehead, like it’s the most natural thing in the world, and feel her smile grow instead of her body recoiling. I could get used to this version of Maddie. The affectionate one. The one who doesn’t pull back and shy away from me. “I’ll see you at the gym tonight.”
She hums again, and the sound goes straight to my dick. “Train hard, King.” Then with her eyes closed and a beautiful, sleepy look on her face, she pulls the blanket up to her chin, and I force myself to pick up my sweatshirt and sneakers, then head downstairs with a ridiculous smile on my face.
Cinder follows me into the living room and scratches at the front door before it opens and Brandon Dixon walks into his house.
So much for the good morning.
Dixon is the center for the Philadelphia Kings, and he’s one of the best in the league. He’s as protective as they come, on and off the field. At an easy six feet, three inches, and probably close to three hundred pounds, he’s not a small guy. Not a dumb guy either. Most men would probably find him intimidating.
I’m not most men
I’m also not stupid enough to ignore the fact he just found me coming out of his sister’s bedroom.
He drops his duffle bag and closes the door, never taking his eyes off me. “What the fuck are you doing here, Kingston?” After a quick glance at his watch, he groans, “It’s five in the fucking morning. Care to explain?”
“Great game yesterday.” My smile vanishes, and I cringe.
Bullshitting isn’t usually so hard.
He ignores my non-answer and walks into the kitchen without saying a word.
What the hell am I supposed to do? Follow him?
“You want a cup of coffee?” he asks from the other room.
I guess that answers my question.
I step into the kitchen and shove my hands into my pockets, itchy to get the hell out of here. “No thanks, man. I’ve got to get to training.”
“Care to tell me why you’re leaving my house at the ass crack of dawn?” He looks around me for something, then adds, “I don’t see my sister.”
Yeah... this looks bad, and I’m not exactly sure how to handle this situation. “She’s still sleeping.”
“And you were...?” He leaves off the end of the sentence, his question fully implied.
“Listen, I know what this looks like, but—”
Dixon cuts me off, with a hand in the air. “Maddie’s a grown woman. I don’t need to know what you guys were doing.”
Shocked, I can’t help myself. “Really?” Seriously, this goes against everything I’ve ever heard about this guy.
“Do you care about my sister?” He grabs his coffee cup from the machine and downs the piping hot liquid.
“Yeah. I do. But nothing’s happening.” I leave off thenot yetbecause that’s between me and her.
“Don’t fuck it up.”
I’m pretty sure I look at him like he’s lost his goddamned mind. “What’s the catch? Everyone who knows Maddie knows how protective you are. You find me in your house, and I’m pretty sure it’s the first time you’ve ever found a guy here, and all you’re gonna say isdon’t fuck it up?” It doesn’t make sense.