Hudson watches most of the game with me, which makes sense. His family owns the team. But I feel like he’s watchingmemore than the game, and it’s a little unnerving. Especially considering the way last night ended and today started.
It wasn’t that I was in his bed.
It wasn’t even that I was in his arms, although I would’ve thought that would be an issue.
The issue is that I liked it.
The issue is that I craved it.
Craved him.
The issue at the heart of it all is that last night was the first time I’d fought with anyone in so many years that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d done it. The last time I got mad enough to argue. To yell. To take that risk. Because I don’t do that. When you’re always worried about being shipped off to the next house, you quickly learn to be flexible. To be easygoing and to never argue.
I’ve had disagreements with Daphne over the years, but we’ve never actually argued about anything because there was never an issue important enough for me to take that chance. But last night... that was important. Because this man is important to me.
And that realization knocks me on my butt, almost as much as the realization that I feel safe with him. That after all these years, I was finally able to let down my carefully constructed walls long enough to let anyone in and fight with them.
No. Not just anyone.
Even when I woke up this morning, it was different. I didn’t freak out when I felt his arms around me. I stayed there, soaking it in for a few minutes before I forced myself out of his bed, equal parts shocked and disappointed.
Shocked because I slept through an entire night wrapped in his arms.
Disappointed because it’s over.
I’m going home after this game, and we’re going back to the way it was before.
It’s for the best. Hudson is still Hudson, and I’m still me. We don’t work.
But that doesn’t make it suck any less.
It might have actually made the whole thing worse. Because I got a tiny little taste of normal. For a few hours, I wasn’t broken. But as Brandon’s team celebrates their win on the big screen TV, I know mynormalis ending.
“Guess I’ll head home now.” I stand, disappointed but determined. “I’ve already got my bags packed, and you’re obviously feeling better.” I try to step away, but Hudson gently grabs my wrist. His thumb rests over my wildly beating pulse.
“I am feeling better, Mads. But they still haven’t found whoever broke into the gym. Why don’t you stay here for another night?” I don’t pull away. I don’t flinch at his touch, and that, by itself, feels like a win.
His bottomless blue eyes hold me captive, tempting me to agree. But one more night won’t change anything. “I’ve got to get myself ready for the week, Hud. I’ve got to do laundry and figure out my schedule. And you’ve got to train. You have a fight in less than a week.” With a pit in my stomach, I take a step back.
A blank mask falls over his face as he stands. “Let me get my shoes on, and I’ll grab your bags.”
“I’ve got them. They’re not heavy.” But by the time I get the last word out, Hudson is gone, and I’m left standing there with a sinking feeling.
Maybe I imagined it.
Maybe there wasn’t anything between us. Hud’s always been a flirt. I guess that’s all it was... flirting. Because he doesn’t do serious. Maybe it’s for the best.
* * *
Cinder doesn’t leavemy side once she and I walk through the front door of our house. It’s like she’s out of sorts after only spending a few short days at Hudson’s. Like she misses him.
Me too, girl. Me too.