Page 29 of Caged

When an incoming FaceTime rings on my MacBook later that night, I’m surprised to see Daphne’s face on my screen but more surprised it took her so long to call. “Hey, D. What’s up?” She leans forward, and her giant, pregnant boobs almost pop out of her tank top. “Holy heck, Daphne. Put them away before they poke my eyes out.”

Max steps up behind his wife and leans over her shoulder. “Blasphemy, Madison. She should never put them away. How’s my brother doing?”

Daphne throws her elbow back into Max’s side. “Hush, you. Don’t go hijacking my conversation.”

“Did you really step in between Hudson and another fighter last night, Mads?” Daphne sits back, and Max kneads her shoulders until she moans.

“Oh my God. No moaning, D. Just no,” I groan. “And I didn’t step in between them so much as I stood in front of Hudson.”

“Madison,” Max snaps. “Never put yourself between two people who look like they’re about to fight. Especially when one of them is Hudson. He can handle himself.”

Yeah. I know that now.

I keep that thought to myself, though, and nod my head and watch as Max walks away with Daphne watching his ass the whole time. “Umm... D? Do you want to go jump your husband? We can talk later.”

She spins around with a sheepish grin on her face. “Nope. I’ll do that later. For now, I want to hear about what happened after you left Kingdom last night. Because according to Becket, Hudson looked like he was either going to fuck you or fight you, and you don’t look bruised, Mads.”

Her entire face lights up, and she shifts on the chair. “Ohh... unless your vagina is bruised. Those are the best bruises,” she adds wistfully, and I know my face just flushed fifty shades of red.

“No. We didn’t... It wasn’t like that... exactly.” Oh my God. Why do I get so tongue-tied talking about this?

“Details, please,” Daphne insists.

“He was mad at me for getting in the way. Worried I would get hurt. We argued, and it was heated, but Hudson would never lay a hand on me. I don’t honestly think the thought would ever even cross his mind.” I remember the way his hands held my face, and I swear to God, I can still feel them there.

Daphne giggles. “What is that?” she asks as she points at her screen.

“What?” I ask, growing self-conscious.

“That’s the second time your face has gone red in the last two minutes. Spill it, sister.”

“Nothing happened, D. But...” I run my top teeth over my bottom lip, deciding what I want to tell her. It feels weird, like I’m somehow betraying something precious by talking about last night. “There was something there. Something I’m not ready to talk about yet.”

“Okay,” she agrees immediately, and I cock my head and stare at her.

“That’s it? You’re not going to push?”

“When Max and I first got together, you trusted me. You didn’t push, and I needed that to figure things out on my own. So, I’m here when you’re ready to talk.”

“Thanks, D. Talk soon, okay?” She blows me a kiss, and I close my laptop.

I’m done working for the night and have plotted out my schedule for the week.

I’ve meal-prepped, done my laundry, scheduled a few meetings, and cleaned the house, even though Brandon’s cleaning lady will be here Tuesday. Keeping busy was the only thing keeping me close to sane today.

The doorbell rings, and I look at the clock.

Who the heck is here at eight o’clock at night?

After a quick peek through the peephole, I yank the door open. “Hudson? What the heck are you doing here?”

Hud stands on the other side of the door, looking handsome as ever in his black sweats and matching hoodie with a lopsided grin tugging at his lips that vanishes as his eyes sweep over me.

“Mads... What are you wearing?” The snow that started falling a few hours ago looks beautiful as it frames him against the light of the house.

I reach forward and grab his arm, pulling him inside and slamming the door shut. “It’s freezing outside. Let’s keep the cold air out there, okay?” Hud stares at me with wide eyes, and I tilt my head down to confirm I still have my clothes on. “I’m wearing clothes. What are you talking about? You’ve seen me in less than this when I’m teaching in the gym.”

“Tell me you’re wearing pants under that,” Hudson practically growls his words through clenched teeth.