Page 69 of Shadows

“I know.” She smiled at me. “It’s just when it’s family, I want us all to be okay.”

“We will be,” I promised, but deep down inside, I wasn’t sure I believed my own words. I sat on the couch; I didn’t want to move yet. How I wished my father was here to cast some of his wisdom over the situation in the house. Plus, I could use the extra eye on June to find out just who made her blush like that.

“Daniel?” Savannah was suddenly next to me, and I pushed off the uneasy feeling. “Sorry to bother you, but Frank was adamant about having me deliver these to you as soon as I finished printing and binding.”

“You never bother me.” I smiled and took the stack of files from her. “Thank you.”

“I took the liberty of giving you a female perspective on each of the men.” She pointed to some colored tabs that stuck out. “I thought it was important to point out if I saw anything in any one of their files to indicate any issues with relationships or anger. It’s not just Blackstone men who live here.”

“That was very insightful of you. I appreciate it.” I was blown away that she’d thought to do that. “Did any of them stand out to you as team leader material?” I figured I’d ask; I wasn’t sure Frank would have asked her.

“As a matter of fact, yes.” She smiled and pulled out a file then set it on top of the others and flipped the cover open. “Ty Beckett is kind of amazing.”

“I heard that,” Mark called from somewhere, making us chuckle.

“Interesting.” I tilted my head at her. “That’s who Frank suggested, too.” I skimmed his profile and gave a whistle when I noted where he was currently located.

“Yes, he’s on one of the few teams they left in Afghanistan. Did they ask to stay? Because I thought the president pulled all US soldiers out.”

“I’ve heard things. I think some were asked to stay. They needed eyes on what would happen once the Taliban moved back in.” I ran my finger down the page. “He’s special ops, so chances are they weren’t able to get everyone out safely, so…” I let her fill in the rest on that one. “I also know some of the men weren’t sure if they even wanted to come back to civilian life, so some probably stayed willingly.”

“I wonder what Beckett’s choice was.”

“No clue. I just hope it was what he wanted.”

“Mmm.” She thought, then jumped when Mark screamed loudly. “You okay, Mark?” she called innocently and batted her eyes at me.

“Savannah!” he hollered in a tone that caused me to roll my eyes, and I knew that stupid Furby was back.

“I hid it in the cookie jar.” She giggled as she explained to me. “I needed something to convince Cole to let me see the tapes.”

Loud footsteps from the direction of the kitchen had Savannah on her feet and out the door with Mark on her heels.

I looked down at Scoot, who gave me an unamused glare at the interruption then went back to his nap.

“Did you hear the hyena shriek that came out of your brother just now?” I laughed at Cole, who had just come in through the back sliding glass doors.

“I was outside the window.” He smirked. “I love my wife.” I held up the files. “What’s that?”

“Frank’s files on the possible new team leader.”

“Give me five, and I’ll join you.”

Two days later, the guys from Dusk arrived, eager to get down to business. Cole and I agreed all should be here for any big decisions that needed to be made between the two houses. We took pride in the fact that we always listened to any and all concerns a member of either team or even a family member might have. After all, we were one big unit, and we all needed to work together to make this successful.

Dell came in first, and he looked very pleased to be back. He’d always had a soft spot for the kids and the chaos they brought to our lives.

“Dell!” Olivia called. “Riddle me this. What can you break, even if you never touch it?”

“No idea.”

“Seriously?” She shook her head, unimpressed. “You didn’t even try.”

“Fine.” He pretended to think, and she rolled her eyes. “I got nothing.”

“I try to sharpen your skills and Iget nothing.” She turned on her heel.

“Wait, what’s the answer?”