Page 68 of Shadows

Cole’s face lit up, and I motioned with my head that we were finished. He rushed out, and I smiled. Yes, it was just what my father wanted.



“Hahaha! He fell right on his ass!” Mark shrieked, and all I could hear was my boys’ laughter throughout the entire house.

And so, it began…

Location: Montana Shadows Safe House

Coordinates: Classified

Present Day


Ismiled at June then took a moment to enjoy the memory of it all. It was like I was back there and could feel it all over again, as if it had just happened. My love for Sue had grown every day, and the retelling of our story made me fall in love with her all over again. I had always planned on sitting down with the grandchildren someday to tell them how this all came to be. I still thought they needed to hear it but maybe they needed to be a little older to appreciate the main points, like how if you really believe in something, you can make it happen, and of course, true love was worth any risk out there.

“I had no idea that was how this place was started.” June sniffed. “I sure wish I’d had the pleasure of meeting your parents. They sound like a very special couple.” She wiped her flushed face with a hanky and blew her nose.

“I wish you had, too. Being here every day doing what we’re doing makes me feel like they’re still here in the walls we built. There’s a lot of history here, not only in this house, but on this land.”

“It’s pretty special that Edison wrote a lot of it down.” Sue ran her hand over Dad’s journal. “You know, dear, you should keep a journal, too, and hand it down to Olivia someday.”

“You should,” June added. “The history of this place should never be forgotten.”

“That’s not a bad idea.” I handed the book to Sue, who would put it back where we kept it, safely stored away from little hands and four legged wet noses. I couldn’t help but shoot a look at Scoot, who would no doubt use it as a scratching post if given half a chance.

“Now, I’d like to address something.” June moved her gaze to the kitchen. “How did I not know what happened with Doc and my sister? I feel shortchanged here.”

“You’ve known Doc for how long?” I smiled. “He asked us to keep what happened a secret, so we did. Now they’re dating publicly, I felt it was all right to share it.” The truth was Doc and Abby had something happen between them years back, which included a hot kiss, though I’d never tell him I’d seen it. I’d given Doc enough crap over the years. When Mark came into the picture, they both decided to back off. He’d known how much Abigail longed for a child of her own, so when he became part of her life and then his own sister had a child, they decided to put their focus there. I knew they still had their moments; they just shared them quietly. “Love is a tricky thing, and how you choose to live it is solely up to the ones involved.”

“That’s very true.” June made a face, and I wondered if she, too, had someone on the side. I rather hoped so.

“Come to think of it, June, you’ve been out a lot lately. Anything you’d care to share?” I wiggled my eyebrows, and a tiny shade of pink dusted her cheeks.

“Why didn’t Shadows stick with the K-9 unit?” I couldn’t help but grin at her sudden change in subject.

“It was something we really wanted, and we tried for a few years, but there were too many issues, and we decided to just stick with them as pets.”

“I see.”

“Would you care to share—”

“Auntie June!” Reagan, Keith and Lexi’s daughter, came running in. “You here to help make cupcakes?”

“Of course, I am!” June scooped up the bug and gave her a kiss as she visibly relaxed at the interruption. “Where’s your brother? Maybe he’ll want to help us, too?”

“He’s still in his room.” She made a sad face, and June looked over at me with the same sadness we all felt.

“Maybe we should walk over to the house and see if he wants to join us?” Sue suggested as she came in.

“Yes, please!” The little girl was instantly cheered. June reached over and patted my shoulder as a thank you for the story, and Sue started to gather up the dishes.

“It’s not right,” Sue whispered so only I could I hear.

“It’s not, but…” I trailed off. I knew that some things were not ours to fix.