Page 77 of The Bastard Prince

Nodding weakly, I took his big hand in mine and pushed it up my bare thigh. "Yes." Exhaling a ragged breath, I pushed his hand into my panties. "Did I please my king?"

A deep growl of appreciation rolled through him and I felt his fingers trace my slit before he slowly removed his hand, taking the memory stick with him.

"Sí." He pressed a feather light kiss to my collarbone before stepping back. "As always."

Chest heaving from the lack of contact, I spun around and leaned heavily against the door, watching Trig as he moved for the loose floorboard in the corner of the room. "How many did we lose tonight?"

Wordlessly, he knelt down and hooked his pinky finger into the tiny hole in the floor, pulling up the board an inch to slide the memory stick inside.

Finally, he spoke. "Seven."

Riveted to the spot, I watched as he slowly rose to his feet and turned to face me. "And them?" I asked, wetting my lips with my tongue. "Give me good news, Trig."

A slow smile crept across his lips. "Forty-nine of The Order." His eyes darkened. "Forty-nine Crellid-loving scum."

Relief slammed into me and I grinned back at him. "Herrick, Lotus, and Fracks?" I dared to mention the names of the remaining men from that night. He had been hunting those bastards since he was thirteen years old. Since they raped and murdered his mother right in front of him. "Are your mother's rapists still alive?"

He shook his head slowly and my heart slammed wildly.

"It was slow." Reaching behind his head, he pulled his blood-soaked shirt off and tossed it away. "It was painful." His smile faltered. "It was difficult to execute them when we were supposed to be on the same side." His eyes darkened, his memories taking him to a place I hated. "It was not enough."

His mother's death was the catalyst that had thrown him head-first into this underworld. It was part of the reason we had taken such risks tonight. Watching his mother's barbaric death had snuffed out the humanity in him.

It was exactly what Fabio had wanted.

I knew this.

Altering people's minds was a skill Fabio Crellid had been blessed with.

However, it had backfired tremendously with this particular son.

His attempt at evoking an almost Stockholm syndrome mindset in Trigger hadn't worked to the desired effect.

All Fabio had managed to do was replace the love in his son's heart with hatred, his compassion with violence. He pushed Trig to the darkest part of humanity, to the furthest point in his mind, risking snapping his tether to his humanity on the off-chance that he came back as an impenetrable soldier.

Trig did come back as a soldier.

Just not Fabio's soldier.

And his devotion didn’t belong to Fabio, either.

It belonged to me.

"She suffered," Trig continued, lost in his past. "For more days than I have fingers to count." His jaw ticked. "It should be the same for them."

"Trig –"

"She hid me because she was trying to stop me from becoming a monster like him." With a pained look in his eyes, he gestured to himself and released a humorless laugh. "She was trying to stop me from becoming what I am tonight." He shrugged almost helplessly. "In the end, it appears that she died for nothing."

"That's not true." Desire and need had me moving straight for him. "Look at me." Reaching up, I cupped his face between my hands and tugged his face down to mine. "They are burning in hell for what they did to her."

"You do not believe in hell,corderito," he offered, a smile ghosting his lips once more. "You do not pray to a God."

"No, but you do," I replied, trailing my thumbs over his cheekbones. "And I believe in you." My tone was full of passion and sincerity. "If you want, we can sneak outside later and burn them?" I offered. "Set fire to their worthless corpses? If it makes you feel better?"

"You are, as they say, a little crazy like the cuckoo bird," he stated, eyeing me with a hungered expression. "Perfecto."

The tension slowly eased from his shoulders and he looped his arms around my waist and drew me flush against his big chest.