Page 76 of The Bastard Prince

He arched a disbelieving brow. "Do you honestly expect me to believe that?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Yes, I do." Circling him like a predator would its prey, I reached for my dagger and lunged. Jet's eyes widened when I pinned him to the wall, blade pressed to his throat. "Do you believe me now, Jet?"

He nodded slowly. "Yes."

"Good," I whispered, trailing the tip of the blade down his throat. "You're so pretty, Jethro." Smiling, I reached up and nicked his cheek with my blade. "It would be an awful shame to see that pretty face all cut up."

"You're not this person, Ash," he whispered, eyes laced with pain. "My brother is bad for you. He's corrupting your mind."

"No." Shaking my head, I giggled softly. "Your family corrupted me." Sighing in contentment, I traced his jaw with the blade, tilting my head to one-side when a small line of blood broke the surface of his skin. "Your brother freed me."

"I'm a safer bet for you," he whispered back. "I can protect you. I'll still do it for you."

"You don’t even like me like that," I giggled. "Don’t worry." I winked. "I can keep a secret."

His eyes flared with emotion. "You just murdered someone and you're making jokes?" He gaped at me like I was a stranger. "What happened to you?"

"Life happened." I shrugged. "And heart attack, remember?"

Jet sighed in defeat. "Heart attack."

"Thanks, friend," I cooed, slapping his cheek. "You know the drill. You keep my secrets and I'll keep yours."

"He's going to get you killed. Or you'll get him killed. Or you'll both end up killing each other because you're both fucking insane," he told me. "Either way, you're losing your mind in him, Ashton. It's not safe, and it won't end well."

I tilted my head to one-side. "What does it feel like – to be taken by a man? Will I enjoy it?" My eyes danced with excitement. "Do you think he'll give in and take me before my initiation?"

Jet gaped at me. "Are you even listening to me?"

I smiled back at him. "Nope."

He sighed heavily. "Just go. He's probably back by now and waiting for you. He'll burn the whole damn estate down if he can't find you. Shit, he'll probably kill me for talking to you."

Heat pooled deep inside of me and I quickly turned on my heels, moving for the door.

"Ash, you need to be careful. You're getting sloppy. And don’t tell him I spoke to you," Jet called after me, but I didn’t bother to respond.

I was too busy racing down the hallways to get back to Trig.

He would be back soon and I wanted to be there waiting for him.

I ached when we were apart for too long and going an entire day without smelling, tasting, or touching him was agony.

The closer I got to his quarters, the more lightheaded I felt.

Trembling when I reached his door, I quickly let myself inside.

The minute I had the door closed, he was on me.

"Corderito." His big body pinned me to the door. His blood-soaked hands moved to my hips, lips brushing against my neck. "Mi reina."

"Hmm." Shivering, I leaned heavily against him and reached up to hook an arm around his neck. "Mi rey."

"You are late." His voice was deep and gruff as his teeth tugged on the flesh covering my artery. "Bad lamb."

A shiver of pleasure coursed through me. "Bad wolf."

"Did I please my queen tonight?"