Page 129 of The Bastard Prince

Pushing and shoving at Anton's chest, I scrambled out from beneath his body and staggered to my feet. Still naked, I hurried towards him. "I promise you that it's not what you think –"

"Come any closer and I will end more than just your pregnancy," he warned, holding a hand up to warn me off, as he continued to glower at Anton.

Quickly halting in my tracks, I held my hands up in defeat. "Trig, please, you need to hear me out this time –"

"Donotspeak!" he roared, and his voice was so full of venom and hate that I felt myself shrivel up inside. Pulling out his gun, he aimed it straight at my head. "One more word and Iwillend you."

He wouldn’t.

At least Ihopedhe wouldn’t.

Fearful for the life of my unborn child, I didn’t dare speak another word.

Keeping the gun aimed at my head, he looked to Anton. "That is twice you have taken what is not yours, brother." He turned the gun on him. "Twice you have taken what ismine."

Instead of explaining everything away like I desperately needed him to, Anton remained silent with his hands by his sides.

Just like two years ago…

After Yegor forced what I could only assume was ketamine down my throat, everything went foggy pretty quickly – and dark, and oh so warm.

I was hot.

My body was burning up.

My hands weren't moving.

And my lips?

Wow, they couldn’t stop moving.

I couldn’t seem to control myself.

I was floating away.

Every question thrown my way, I answered without a care in the world for the consequences.

Nothing's working, I thought to myself, and then cackled in delight.

This was fucking awesome.

I couldn’t feel a thing!

Boom, boom, boom, bo…om, b-boo…om.

Holy shit, was that my heart?

Did I have one?

Whoa, it was beating in my ears.

"Stay with us, baby whore," someone chuckled and I laughed right along with them. "Tell us more about your wolf."

"Wolf," I slurred, grinning in delight. "I love my wolf."

"Oh, I'm sure you do," the voice coaxed. "Where's your wolf tonight."

"With his sister," I slurred, mashing his lips together. "Wolf loves his sister." I sighed in contentment. "His secret sister," I added. "But shhhhh…it's a secret.. so much…"