Page 130 of The Bastard Prince


"I fucking told you he was hiding something."

"And where does wolf keep his sister, baby whore?"

"In the church," I slurred, feeling sleepy now. "The priest hides wolf's sister with the nuns…"

So sleepy.

So warm.

"Tell father."

Bah, bah…

"He already knows."


Black sheep…

"Burn it to the ground."

Have you any…

"Mmm. I’m so sleepy," I slurred, lips numb and tingling. "Sleepy…"

"Go to sleep, baby whore," the voice told me. "We'll be right here with you."

And I did just that.

Drifting into the deepest sleep I'd ever had, I lost complete consciousness.

When I finally came around, several hours later, it was to a furious Trigger screaming in my face, and several naked men lying in bed with me.

Not just any naked men.

The Crellid brothers.

All three of them…

"You want her so much that you risk your life by coming here?" Trigger demanded, dragging me back to the present. "Then have her." He lowered the gun. "She is nothing to me now." He turned to glare at me. "Nothing but a worthlesswhore."

With that, Trigger Laperro walked away from me, and for the very first time, it felt like the last time.

"Trig, please, wait –"

The door slammed shut in my face, leaving me completely reeling.

"Oh my god, tell him!" I screamed, swinging around to glare at my so-called brother. "Please, Anton –" crying hard and ugly, I rushed to his side, "go after him and tell him the fucking truth!"

"It's better this way," Anton tried to assure me.

"For who?"

"For you," he replied. "It's why I went along with Yegor's plan two years ago. I knew that making him question your loyalty was the only way I could free you from his hold." He blew out a pained breath. "This is the only way he'll let you go."

"Idon’twant him to let me go!" I screamed, delirious with grief, as I ran for the door. "I'm inlovewith him! I'm having hisbaby. And you made himhateme. You made him hate me two years ago, when he thought I sold him out, and you made him hate me tonight! He blames me for his sister's death. He won't ever believe me or forgive me for that. But we were moving forward. And now?" I choked out a pained sob. "You ruinedeverything!"