Page 128 of The Bastard Prince



Breathing ragged, I didn’t scream out or try to attack him.

I was too goddamn stunned.

Hovering inches above my naked body, Anton planted both hands on either side of my face and rested his weight on them.

The fear of being raped wasn't there, though.

It never had been when it came to Anton.

And now I knew why.

It was because he was mybrother.

"Royce was murdered," he continued to say, speaking low and fast. "It wasn't an accident or a drug deal gone wrong. He was set up. He was killed on Fabio's orders by a member of The Order." He shook his head as if his mind was suppressing the thought. "Royce knew it would happen – heknewthat Fabio would betray him. He knew there was no way out of this world for him, so hetriedto prepare you for what would happen after his death. He tried to get youout, Ashton."

"How?" I demanded, my words barely more than a trembling whisper. "Howdid my father know?" I narrowed my eyes in mistrust. "How doyouknow any of this?"

"He told me in a letter," he said. "My mother gave it to me hours before her death – along with a secret inheritance, containing enough money to start over." He blew out a shaky breath. "Royce left you a letter, too."

"No." I shook my head. "My father didn’t leave me shit –"

"Yes,he did," Anton argued heatedly. "You just don’t remember."

"I was ten years old when he died, Anton, not two," I snapped, tears filling my eyes at the memory. "I think I would remember if my father gave me a fucking letter!"

"I don’t get it." His brows furrowed in confusion. "You were his whole world – he wouldn't have left you unprotected."

"Well, he did," I choked out, close to having a full-blown panic attack. "He gave me to amonster."


"Yes," I bit out, seething. "And if it wasn't for Trig, I wouldn’t have made it a day in that hellhole."

"You need to get away from Trigger," he warned me. "This world has twisted him. Fabio is in his head. He isnota good man, Ashton."

Nowmy back was up.

Hackles rising, I narrowed my eyes in defense and hissed, "Fuck you, Crellid scum."

"You're wrong." He took my insult on the chin like the emotionless bastard he was. "Triggeris a Crellid, Ashton. Not me, and not you, either. He's the one with the devil's blood running through his veins."

"Ilovehim," I spat, venomously refuting his claim. "And Itrusthim, more than I trust you or any other damn man!"

"You shouldn’t," he warned, leaning over me. "You wouldn’t if you knew the truth." He shook his head in frustration before saying, "I can get you out of here. You're my sister. My flesh and blood. I canhelpyou, Ashton. Find you someplace to start over – where none of the Crellids can find you –"

"What the hell are you talking about? Why in the world would I trust –" I started to demand at the exact moment that my bedroom door flew inwards.

Like a sick and twisted case of déjà vu, Trigger stood in the doorway, eyes locked on the scene unfolding in front of him.

The moment I registered the betrayal written all over his face, the undiluted hatred burning in his eyes, I felt weak.

"No, no, no," I began to protest, knowing exactly what this looked like.

Two years ago all over again.