Page 13 of The Bastard Prince

"If death is what you seek, then I will gladly give it to you," he said, voice deathly cold. "Traitor whore."

I smiled. "Liar."

"You still like to play with fire, little lamb." Resting his elbows on the table, he propped his chin on his hands, eyes on mine. "You lost my protection a long time ago. No one will save you from the flames this time."

Your fault.

"I don’t need your protection," I chimed, still smiling. "You don’t rank around here anymore, Trig."

More lies.

"And you do?" he asked, tilting his head to one side.

I'm yours."I'm his. I'm going to belong to your brother soon," I replied sweetly. "He wants me for his own," I added. "And he ranks above you, so –"

"You have a name and a cunt!" he interrupted with a snarl. "That is your value around here, Ashton."

He doesn't mean it, Ashton.

It's his hurt talking.

"Your name is what has kept you alive and your cunt is youronlyworth to Anton."

Anton?"I am to be Jethro's."

"Jethro?" came his incredulous response. "You wish to belong to a man who will never truly crave a woman's body?"

"I spent seven years with a man who craved women and look where it got me," I shot back. "Jethro iskind. He will give me a good life."

It was a complete lie. I had no idea what kind of life was in store for me with Jethro, but I found myself unwilling to lose face in front of this man. My pride forbade it.

I narrowed my eyes meaningfully when I said, "He won't break my heart or his promises."

"Tonto corderito." He threw his head back and laughed humorlessly. "Jethro will have you working the streets within a month. He has no mind of his own. He is a puppet whose strings are pulled by the devil himself. Men will line up to fuck a Crellid whore and Fabio will make a fortune off you until there is nothing of you left to sell."

A shiver of sheer terror crept down my spine.

"Then maybe you could steal me away before that happens?" I countered, voice low and breathy. "After all, you wouldn't let that happen to your queen, would you,mi rey?"

That did it.

Fury blazed in Trigger's eyes and he erupted like the loose cannon I knew he was.

Throwing back his chair, he rose to his full 6'4 height and flew into a tangent of Spanish, speaking so fast and in such a passionate tone that I knew I had hit my target. His cold, black heart.

Feel it, Trig.

Take my bullet and burn.

Die inside, just like I did, and then rise from the ashes and take me away from this hell.

"You played your last mind game on me a long time ago,puta traidora," he hissed, watching me with hard, mistrustful eyes. "From where I am standing, it looks like you are all out of aces."

Puta traidora – traitor whore.


Lost hope.