Page 14 of The Bastard Prince


My outrage was potent. I could feel it wafting from my body in floods. He was wrong then and he wasstillwrong now. I was being blamed for something I had no part of.

Hewas at fault.



"Be fair, Trig," I replied, keeping my tone purposefully sweet. "I wasn't the one playing the mind games back then, was I?"

"No, you were just led by your greed," he sneered, folding his arms across his broad chest. "I cannot say that I am overly impressed with how you turned out." Arching a brow, he let his gaze trail over me once more. "You wilted before you blossomed." He sneered. "I had a lucky escape. You would have bored me into another whore's bed after a week."

Nowthatwas a new low.

Still, I didn’t bat an eyelid, reminding myself that his words couldn't hurt me anymore.

Not when there was nothing left of me to hurt.

He'd taken a sledgehammer to my heart a long time ago.

Now, I was just as dark as him.

Regrettably, I was also just as dependent on him, too.

"You did me a favor when you betrayed me," I told him, my smile still firmly in place, though it was getting harder to hold.

"Ibetrayedyou?" he spat, eyes wide in disbelief.

"That's right," I pushed.

Break him down, Ashton.

Crush him.

Make him hear your truth.

"Abandoning me here gave me time to see things clearly."Stick him where it hurts."It gave me time to connect with Jethro." I narrowed my eyes. "Yegor and Anton, too."

Low blow,my conscience warned me.Too low.

"Youbetrayedme!" Trigger snarled, clearly livid. "I should have put a fucking hole in your head for that stunt you pulled on me."

"And I should have burned you alive for what you did to me,príncipe bastardo!" I heard myself spit back, using all of my ammunition on him.

"Get out," he snarled, shaking from his misguided anger now. "So help me god, I will throw you through that fucking window if you do not get out of my sight!"

Look at his eyes.

He's not bluffing.

Panic wrestled its way into my chest, causing my smile to slip and my truth to spill. "I'm to be initiated," I blurted out, balling my fists at my sides, trembling from head to toe. "Tonight." Terror seized my chest at the knowledge of what I would endure. It was the night I had feared since my arrival at the Crellids. I knew what had to happen. I knew what they would do to me. It was the code. "They'll break me." Suppressing a shiver, I stared up at the man I once trusted more than my own thoughts and whispered, "It was supposed to be you." My breath caught in my throat and I willed myself to be a stronger woman. "I won't survive what they'll do to my body."Publicly. Shamefully. "You need to contest your brother for me," I hurried to add. "You know the code, Trig. I'll belong to whoever takes me. It can still be you."

Remember me, Trig.

Remember your promises.

Trigger's brows furrowed and for the briefest of moments a mixture of surprise and pain flickered in his dark eyes before resentment overrode it.