‘I don’t need that. I’m not going to break.Now, Theo.’ She sculpted herself against him, her softness fitting perfectly against his unyielding body and in her voice he heard his own desperation.
Fighting the shudders of excitement building deep within, he turned with her in his arms and carried her to the nearest upright surface, resting her back against the wall and hitching her higher as he pressed himself close to support her.
The misty blue of her eyes disappeared in a silvery flash and she gasped as their bodies fitted against each other. Theo felt like molten metal poured through his veins, his lungs were bellows, fanning the blaze she ignited in him.
He gathered the fine fabric of her long dress in his hands, bunching it up till her legs were bare. She lifted one slim leg and he grabbed it, settling it over his hip. Someone groaned as their bodies tilted together, then her other leg settled around his waist and he couldn’t help that hard thrust that notched his erection against her pelvis. Even through layers of fabric it felt like bliss.
‘I didn’t plan this well.’ He still wore his trousers but he refused to step back to undo them. No power on earth could drag him away from Isla now.
Her gasp of laughter teased him as she scrabbled at his belt while he dragged down the zip. A few long moments of fumbling that tested him to the limit then he was free, his swollen length hard against her heat. Delicate lace scraped his skin and he shuddered as that took him too close to the edge.
Neither laughed now. Their need was too intense.
Theo’s normally deft fingers felt clumsy as he slid them under that lace. Isla was slick and hot, pushing eagerly against his touch, her urgency fanning the lit fuse of his desire.
Fabric tore and even that tiny sound made his flesh tighten with anticipation. Then there was only sensation. Heat surrounded him, Isla’s legs pulling him close as he guided himself to her centre.
There. A moment to align himself, to catch his own reflection in her shining eyes and he drove home, long and hard, and his eyes threatened to roll back in his head at how exquisite Isla was.
A shudder went through them both, travelling between their bodies as if they weren’t separate entities but one being. Theo hefted a breath that turned into another shudder at the friction of her breasts against his chest. He wanted her naked but that would have to be later. He wanted her in so many ways his brain threatened to overload.
No time for that now. There was only the need, blood deep and raw, between them.
He planted his hand on the wall beside her head for support as he withdrew and thrust again, twisting a little and hearing her cry out in delight as he found just the right spot.
Isla’s hands ran over him, her mouth working as if to speak, until he slid his other hand between them to find that swollen jewel at her core and she shouted his name, arching her neck and pressing her head back.
Theo kissed her throat, finding that most sensitive spot at the base of her neck as he stroked her with his hand and his body.
The tremors began inside her, harbingers of a crisis so profound he expected it would destroy them both. But there was no stopping now. He lavished all his skill into feeding the fire, giving Isla everything, all the pleasure she deserved, all of himself.
Nails pricked his skin and her encircling legs tightened. They moved together, so attuned that when the fire burst inside Isla, it seared him too.
She cried out, but as her climax filled her, Isla’s diamond-bright eyes held his. As if part of her feared the force of what they’d unleashed.
Theo cupped her cheek, seeking to reassure her. She convulsed around him, milking his very essence, drawing him into herself. Then everything broke apart in pleasure so intense it felt like joy and flame together.
Isla called his name, her voice a feather in the midst of an inferno, but he heard it and responded.
Her name on his tongue tasted like the food of the gods, so perfect that he recognised with some arcane, inexplicable instinct that this was far more than sex.
What they shared had the power to stop worlds and change lives.
ISLASTEPPEDOUTonto the roof terrace the next morning to see Theo powering the length of the pool. The sight stopped her in her tracks.
He really was an extraordinarily charismatic man. Even doing laps it was hard to take her eyes off him. The steady rhythm, the play of sunlight across the sleek muscles of his broad shoulders and back, the kick of those powerful thighs...
She pressed a hand to her abdomen where sensation fluttered. It would be nice to think it was her baby moving but she suspected it was simply a response to Theo.
He looked so...elemental in the water, a study in male strength. She recalled all that energy focused on her last night and her breath backed up in her lungs. The phenomenal focus and vigour, the potency of the man. She’d gone from feeling upset on his behalf to needing him with an intensity that surpassed anything she’d known.
That first coupling, barely inside the apartment, had been urgent and extraordinary. As if he’d taken them both to an unfamiliar plane. Afterwards her legs had been boneless and her heart filled with the extraordinary conviction that being with Theo was the one true, right thing in the world.
Later they’d slept until the early hours when they’d come together again, this time slowly, sweetly and his touch as he stroked her body had been almost reverent. It had been exquisite and had left her marvelling, hoping that perhaps things weren’t as simple as she thought. Perhaps this wasn’t just about their child.
Maybe Theo felt more for her than she’d imagined.