It was true that duty figured in his thinking. But he felt deeply too. Look at the way he’d treated old Mr Stavroulis last night. The man had made himself into an enemy with his quest for vengeance, yet she’d seen Theo’s sympathy. She admired him for not shunning the man and hurrying her way. He understood the grief that drove him.

When Theo had spoken of his stepsister too, she’dfelthis emotion. He genuinely cared for Toula.

Was it too much to hope that perhaps he cared for her as well? Or was it wishful thinking?

She sighed and crossed the terrace towards the pool. If she’d known he was swimming she’d have come straight here instead of having a shower.

With an effort Isla dragged her gaze from Theo, looking at the spectacular view of Athens and the Aegean beyond. Spring had started and soon the warmer weather would be here.

Where would she be then?

She’d planned to be back in London. But did she want that?

Her breath caught in her chest. What shewantedwas Theo, but not a Theo who viewed her as an obligation or necessary encumbrance. She wanted to be special in her own right. Was it possible that his feelings might grow over time and that his idea of a practical marriage could transform into the love match she’d always wanted?

Last night he’d made her feel special. Maybe—


Theo surged from the pool in one lithe movement that drew attention to his innate athleticism. He stood tall, flicking the water from his head, his chest rising with each breath after that intense swim.

Isla’s mouth dried and a pulse started up between her thighs as she took in the sight of him wearing nothing but dark swim shorts.

Was it any wonder he’d bowled her over when they first met? He looked like a Greek god. She should know, she’d spent long enough studying images of them. But none moved her the way this flawed, flesh-and-blood man did.

‘I didn’t know where you were,’ she blurted out, then wondered if she’d revealed too much.

Theo didn’t seem to think so. He marched across and planted a swift but devastating kiss on her mouth. His lips were cold but his mouth warm and he sparked fire in every secret place. Her knees wobbled as he pulled back. ‘Sorry, I’m wet.’ Honey-gold eyes framed by spiky black lashes mesmerised her then he turned and reached for a towel.

It was only as Theo dried himself that Isla noticed her shirt was damp. Not damp enough to cool her ardour.

He turned back, rubbing his hair so it stood up in tousled crests. He looked almost boyish except for the knowing light in his eyes and the body that belonged to a male in his absolute prime.

‘I wanted to wake you.’ His voice hit that husky, tantalising note she couldn’t resist. ‘But thought I should work off some excess energy in the pool first.’

‘Did you succeed?’

Theo shook his head. ‘There’s only one sure-fire remedy for that.’ His gaze was a caress, stroking her libido into thrumming life. ‘But last night I wasn’t gentle. I thought you might be sore.’

Isla lifted her chin. ‘If I’d wanted gentle I would have told you. Besides, we went there later.’ She’d loved both. The tenderness they’d shared had been as powerful in its own way as the earlier, almost violent surge of need between them.

His smile, a mix of satisfaction and affection, threatened to undo her. But then his expression turned serious. ‘Anyway, we need to talk.’

Isla heard strain in his tone. That stopped her impulsive confession that last night had been the most wonderful experience of her life. She still didn’t know for sure where she stood with Theo.

‘Shall we?’ He gestured to some padded sun loungers.

‘You don’t want to get dressed?’ Isla knew how distracting his glorious body would be. If they were discussing something important she needed to concentrate.

‘I’ve spent too much time cooped up inside. I’d rather enjoy the fresh air. There’s no cold wind and I’ll dry in the sunshine.’

Isla’s heart dipped as his explanation took on a darker cast. He wasn’t just talking about hours in business meetings. Theo had been incarcerated. Something he didn’t speak of except when she’d made it a test of his ability to trust and share with her. Basically she’d blackmailed him.

Her pulse quickened and she blinked back moisture, distressed for all he’d suffered.

‘Isla, are you okay?’

‘Of course. What did you want to discuss?’