And yet...

Face it. You have no idea what’s going on in his head. You never did. What you took for the beginnings of true love was just a vacation seduction.

Isla slid her hand over her flat abdomen, still stunned after all this time at the reality of her pregnancy. If it weren’t for the sickness, it wouldn’t seem real.

She stared at the bedroom curtains in swirling shades of blue. How often had she lain here, concentrating on that pattern as she fought down morning sickness?

But this time it was different. She heard a muffled noise from the other room and her heart lurched at just how different.

She wasn’t resting because she was nauseous, though she did still feel a little light-headed. She was here because Theo insisted she rest before dinner arrived. The dinner he’d arranged so they could talk some more. And she, feeling hollowed out by the impact of one too many surprises, had finally agreed.

That still surprised her. She told herself it was because it had been a long day in a tough week in a difficult few months. It couldn’t be because it was a relief, just once, to let someone else organise practicalities, like a meal she probably wouldn’t be able to keep down.

Instead of being alone in her tiny flat, Theo was in the next room, so close her skin still tingled from the electric charge that had sparked between them.

A spark she’d told herself had been a figment of an overactive imagination.

He’d touched her and it had been like lightning dancing across her skin. Worse, she’d been shocked at how much she wanted more. Even his scent, of pines, sunshine and the sea, had threatened to undo her.

A knock sounded on the door.

‘Wait!’ She scrambled up, swinging her legs off the bed. She didn’t want Theo in here. It was hard enough sometimes, trying to sleep with memories of the past tormenting her. She didn’t need images of him here in her bedroom.

Theo had taken off his jacket when she emerged. That stopped her in the doorway, her heart tripping to a faster beat as she took in his broad-shouldered, narrow-hipped frame.

He had his back to her as he laid out food on her small table.

His sleeves were rolled up and those strong, sinewy forearms, dusted with dark hair, made her breath catch. Isla remembered the feel of his skin against hers, the surprisingly silky softness of that hair tickling her body and the heat his muscle-hardened frame exuded.

The deft, knowing touch of those capable hands as Theo explored her body and took her to places she’d never been before.

Setting her mouth, Isla told herself it was no wonder he’d haunted her thoughts and dreams. No other man had given her such experiences. One day they’d be memories to treasure, once she was over the heartbreak he’d created.

He turned and she saw his tie was gone, the top few buttons of his shirt open to reveal a V of golden skin. Deliberately she averted her gaze. He looked almost too masculine. Too strong and charismatic.

Their affair was over. Neither of them wanted to revive it. Theo because he’d never been serious about her and she because she needed to protect herself.

It’s a little too late for that.

‘Feel better?’

His gaze snared hers. She tried to read it and failed. What was new? She’d never really understood him, until it was too late.

‘A little.’

Which surprised her. She’d been so wound up she hadn’t thought she’d be able to relax with Theo Karalis prowling around her home.

She moved closer to the table, frowning. There were containers everywhere, not just on the table but filling all the counter space.

‘What’s all this?’

He shrugged and she looked away, not wanting to watch the play of his powerful muscles through the fine material of his shirt.

‘Dinner. I didn’t know what you felt like so I got a selection.’ He paused. ‘I know you like spicy food but I thought it might be better to avoid that with your morning sickness.’

Isla nodded and took a seat. ‘Good idea. But you’re right, I’m hungry.’

It surprised her. Her nausea wasn’t confined to mornings and sometimes just the thought of preparing food, even cheese on toast, was almost too much. She only persevered because she knew the baby needed sustenance.