Theo stared down into those brilliant eyes, relieved to see that for now at least, Isla was sparkling with energy.
‘I’m the father of the baby you’re carrying.’ He paused, watching her eyes widen. ‘That’sourbaby. That gives me the right.’
His words reverberated into silence, penetrating deep, marking his very bones and burrowing into his soul.
He was going to be a father.Theywere going to be parents.
Theo felt a frisson of anxiety and wondered if he’d be up to that, especially given his biological father’s appalling behaviour. But already his feelings about Isla and their baby proved him to be unlike the father he’d never known. At least he knew something about positive parenting from his beloved stepfather.
‘This changes everything. You know that, don’t you, Isla?’
‘Of course. Why do you think I tried to contact you? But that doesn’t give you the right to ride roughshod over me. I may be carryingourchild...’ Did her voice wobble on the wordour? ‘But it’smybody and I make the decisions about my healthcare.’
‘Ride roughshod?’ He scowled. ‘Because I try to get you the best medical care? You’re exaggerating. You really think it’s okay to be this exhausted, this sick? Are you absolutely sure that your condition isn’t harming the baby?’
Isla said nothing but he almost heard her thoughts chasing each other. Her gaze shifted as if something beyond his shoulder suddenly took all her attention. Was she worried and putting on a brave face? It wasn’t normal to be so unwell.
Theo shoved his hands deep into his pockets. ‘I’m trying to do the right thing, Isla, to look after you both. Is that a crime?’
THEO’SWORDSSTILLechoed in Isla’s head an hour later.
Doing the right thing. Is that such a crime?
Of course it wasn’t a crime. In fact, the idea of getting a second opinion on her severe morning sickness was a relief. She’d been worried when it hadn’t abated and she’d continued to feel so run-down and ill, despite the reassurances she’d received at her last check-up.
It was just the way Theo had taken charge without so much as a by your leave.
And that he spoke of doing theright thing.
Isla grimaced. Theo made it clear that he acted out of duty. Not worry because he cared for her in the way she’d once believed. His rejection had been brutal proof that what she’d believed a grand love affair had been, for him, a holiday diversion. When his life turned upside down he’d had no time for her, not even for her support. She simply didn’t fit into his real life.
Now he was concerned to do the responsible thing. But his emotions weren’t engaged.
Not with her at any rate. Yet, she recalled, there’d been one moment when he claimed the baby as his without question and a frisson of something powerful had trembled through her. He’d worn an expression she’d never seen before, one that made her heart roll over in her chest.
And she’d felt excluded.
Because in that instant it seemed that Theo’s emotionswereengaged. For the baby, not her.
Was that why she was so angry? Because she secretly craved Theo’s attention?
The idea made a mockery of everything she’d told herself these last weeks about how she was better off without him. That it was a good thing she’d learned what he was really like now rather than later.
Not that there’d have been a later. She was sure their affair would have ended soon even without his arrest. It wasn’t as if he’d fallen in love with her.
Isla bent her legs, tucking them up so she lay in a foetal position on the coverlet.
Determined, she yanked her thoughts in another direction. She’d had her whole life to get used to being on her own, never loved or wanted. Isla swallowed hard, ignoring the familiar hurt. Because it was an old truth, known since childhood, even if for a short time in Greece she’d forgotten.
Anyway, that was about to change. Her lips curved in a smile. Therewouldbe love. She had so much to give her child, and surely it would love her in return.
Believing in Theo might have been a mistake but this pregnancy felt like the most wonderful, miraculous thing in her life. Despite the sickness. Despite even the need to give up her dream of archaeology. Maybe one day she could go back to that. Isla deliberately ignored the pragmatic voice in her head that told her that wasn’t going to be possible.
Had she imagined the flash of emotion on Theo’s face that made her think he really did care about the baby? What about earlier, when he’d first heard about the pregnancy? He’d frowned, his mouth drawing back in a grimace of disapproval. She hadn’t imaginedthat.
Far from looking like a man excited by the prospect of a child, he’d looked like someone who’d received distasteful news. It had cut her to the heart. She’d taken it as confirmation of what she’d known, that he didn’t want to have any more to do with her.