Page 55 of Oh Buoy

“Sounds good, Rowan. I know Andrew will take good care of me,” Owen replied. Rowan’s glare at that comment signaled his mouth was about to unleash, so I quickly intervened.

“You have the same bedroom as last time, Owen. Jordan will help you unpack in the meantime.”

I had warned Jordan in advance, so he nodded at me and guided Owen inside. One down, one to go.

“Gentlemen, if you’d like to follow me.” I headed up the stairs and gave Decker and Veroush the overview of the ship. I didn’t trust Leo alone with Rowan and fought every instinct I had to run back down.

“Do you have an umbrella up here?” Decker asked as he shielded his eyes with his hand. “I can’t sit out in the sun. My agent will rip me a new one if I get even a hint of a tan.”

“I’ll have one brought up for you. Is there anything else you need?”

“Another glass of champagne would be lovely, sweetie,” Veroush answered.

“I’ll be right back.”

As I wandered down the stairs, I heard Rowan’s raised voice and paused.

“I’m not interested, Leo. If that’s your primary reason for coming aboard, then you’ve wasted your time.”

“I’m here to talk about my property in Florida, but I thought we could mix business and pleasure.”

“Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m done with hookups. I’m afraid you’ll have to stick to the Zoolander twins upstairs.”

I laughed at Rowan’s snark and muffled my mouth with my hand.

“Got a thing for your hot assistant?”

“Watch it, Leo. I mean it. He’s a smart, hardworking man who doesn’t deserve your contempt. If I find out you’re treating him with anything less than perfect manners, I will have you escorted off my ship and onto the nearest tender.”

“Who cares about him anyway? Let’s have a drink and talk about my property.”

I waited a few minutes until their voices got farther away and then proceeded to head down to the bar to grab a new bottle of champagne.

Two hours later, I was ready for a break. Turned out that Decker and Veroush were nice guys and both knew Rafe since they modeled for the same brands. They were preoccupied with appearance, but given their profession, that was to be expected. But we chatted for a while, and I made sure they had everything they needed.

“Andrew.” Rowan’s voice interrupted my conversation with the duo. I turned to find him standing at the top of the stairs. “When you’re done up here, could you please grab another bottle of champagne and head to the lounge?”

“Right away, sir,” I replied and watched Rowan’s face transform from polite to fierce. The memory of us, of me on my knees, taking his heavy cock down my throat unleashed, and I couldn’t look away from him.

“What did I tell you about using that title?” he murmured as I drew closer.

“Apologies, Rowan, it won’t happen again,” I replied. My cheeks flushed as I remembered our shared passion.Why are you playing with fire?Knock it off.

“Please don’t call me that or tease me. I can’t take it,” Rowan whispered in a pained voice as he started down the stairs.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered in return, his sad tone bursting my feelings wide open. “This is more difficult than I imagined. Leo wants in your pants, and I have to stand there and watch him flirt with you. And my feelings haven’t changed. If anything, they’ve only grown deeper. I miss you. I miss us.”

“I know, love. I miss you too. But for now, don’t smile at me, and for god’s sake don’t call me sir. And make sure Jordan deals with Owen so you don’t have to.”

“That’s the plan. I overheard you talking with Leo.”

“I meant what I said. I don’t want anyone else.”

I nodded in return. “Same goes… God, I hate hiding.”

“We’ll find a way and soon. I promise.”

My heart believed him, but my mind was still puzzling how this would all work out.