Page 54 of Oh Buoy

Being so close to Rowan and yet unable to be with him the way I wanted was harder than I thought. I kept busy in every waking hour, researching cities I was interested in moving to and paying down my debt. I was also busy planning the upcoming charter, and work was a great distraction, but as usual, my mind eventually found its way back to Rowan. I’d lie in my bed at night and replay our intense weekend together, wondering if it was the best thing that had ever happened to me or a three-day fantasy. We’d stopped texting unless it was about work, and when I laid eyes on him at lunch and dinner service, I remained prompt and polite. I would often find him in the early mornings out on the top deck, staring out at the sunrise. Alone. Those were the times I was tempted to go to him, but I kept my distance.

Kayla was happy with her promotion and took delight in telling me everything she worked on with Rowan throughout the day. I ignored her as best I could by plugging in my earphones and going back to my work.

I was prepping for Rowan’s guests’ arrival, organizing the bar, and confirming the silent disco party details for Saturday night when I received a text from Dylan.

Dylan:how’s it going?

Andrew:busy. New charter this weekend. Counting down the days until I get home. How about you? Your book?

Dylan:met my ghostwriter via email but he sounds so formal. I’m heading to NYC in a few months to meet him in person. not sure how this is going to work out.

Andrew:good luck. And stick to your style, don’t let him write in a way that’s not authentically you. Readers will pick up on that.

Dylan:good advice. How’s Ro?

Andrew:I don’t know. I’ve been back to chief stew this month, and our communications are limited to meal service.

Dylan:I’m so sorry, Drew.

Andrew:you were protecting your friend, and you were right. We weren’t thinking.I just miss him. I stupidly caught feelings, but I can’t do anything about it.

Dylan:don’t lose hope. I’ve never seen him look at any man the way he does you. when your contract is over?

Andrew:I’m heading home, and he’ll be jetting off somewhere else. I wouldn’t fit in with his life anyway. He’s better to find someone in the same social circle.

Dylan:Have faith. And stay in touch.

Andrew:take care.

I was not looking forward to this charter and in particular, Leo and Owen. Leo was supposed to come aboard weeks ago, but he kept putting it off. Trying to get Rowan’s attention was my guess. But Rowan had told him it was this weekend or never. Just thinking about that guy getting all up in Rowan’s space made me ragey. Would they end up in bed together again? After all, Rowan and I had made no promises to each other, and we were back to being polite strangers.

The one piece of good news was that Owen was here to finalize their deal. I just hoped I wouldn’t have to experience any more of Owen’s advances. My anxiety went into overdrive, so I put all my efforts into my job. No one had ever been on a ship so clean or organized. Ever.

The captain radioed the crew to inform us that the guests were arriving, so I changed into my formal uniform and prepped the champagne. Once the staff had filed out in line to wait on the bridge deck, the guests began to board. I noticed that Leo was accompanied by two young men who he introduced as friends. They were both stunningly beautiful, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he brought them on board to lure Rowan back into his bed. Then Owen stepped up with a salacious grin aimed my way, and I blocked the urge to throw a glass of champagne in his face. Stifling the eye roll I wanted to make at both men, I put on my best smile.

“Andrew, so nice to see you again but now in actual clothing,” Leo commented loudly as I passed out the drinks. “You’ve been downgraded to a uniform this time.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you again, Leo. I see you’ve brought your kids on board with you today,” I replied with a straight face as I nodded to his friends, who made no attempt to hide their giggles. Even Owen barked out a laugh, which was surprising.

“These are my friends, Decker and Veroush. They’re only five years younger than me,” he snapped.

“My apologies for the misunderstanding. Champagne?” I asked as I handed out glasses of bubbly to his friends and felt them size me up. Owen took a flute and winked at me. Jesus, this was going to be a long ass charter.

“Of course, and please open another bottle, I’ll need more than a few glasses. Where’s Rowan? I expected him to greet me,” Leo whined.

“He’s standing right behind you,” I murmured, and Leo whirled around.

“Owen,” Rowan said and shook his hand, then faced Leo. “Leo, who are these gentlemen and how come you didn’t advise me there would be two additional guests?”

“Last minute change of plans, darling. You don’t mind, do you? I’m sure you can squeeze us all into a room if needed. We don’t mind sharing.”

I stifled another eye roll.

“We have a suite with two connecting bedrooms, if you’d prefer,” I offered.

“Perfect,” Leo nodded as he smiled at Rowan. “Is it on the same level as your bedroom, Ro?” I finally let my eye roll out, since Leo’s back was turned.

“It’s Rowan, and no, it is not. We’re here to discuss business, Leo, so let’s get you and your friends set up and then we can sit down. Andrew, please show these gentlemen to the sundeck while I talk to Leo. Owen, why don’t you freshen up and relax for a while, and we can talk in an hour.”