Page 9 of Oh Buoy

“Really? Is that all?” Dylan asked in that slow drawl of his as he leaned against the lounger and slowly tipped his straw cowboy hat back. “I wonder if Andrew’s single?”

“What?” I turned my neck so quickly I felt, and heard, a loud pop.

Dylan’s bark of laughter rang out, and the other guests looked our way. “Not for me. I still tend to lean toward the ladies.”

Lean?Since when was there any other option for Dylan but women? This day was just one bloody surprise after another.

“We’re going to discuss what you just said at some point, but for now let’s enjoy the quiet afternoon. And stop trying to read my mind like an annoying psychic. Andrew is an employee, and that is all. Can we move on to another topic of discussion?”

“Of course,” Dylan murmured. “Here comes your boy now.”

“He’s not my boy,” I growled. My cheeks heated, but I blamed it on the sun.

Andrew approached with a tray of snacks. My heart pounded out a furious rhythm in my chest as I surreptitiously stared at the beautiful man headed my way. His wide smile was the first thing that captured my attention, and I couldn’t for the life of me look away. I wondered how his full lips would taste, how they would feel against my own. I glanced up at his dark eyes, our gazes holding to each other just a fraction longer than was usual between a boss and an employee.He’s an employee, remember that, Rowan.

“Can I get you gentlemen anything?” Andrew asked in his smooth Southern manner, breaking through my lusty daydream.

Dylan removed his hat and ran a hand through his hair. “Nothing for me, but Rowan here desperately needs along, talldrink. I’ve never seen him sothirstyandoverheatedbefore.” Dylan smirked at me, and I ground my teeth together but remained quiet.

“What would you like, Rowan?” Andrew asked as the wind whipped his black hair around his temples.

“Yes, Rowan,” Dylan replied with a dirty grin. “Tell us what you’d like right about now?”

I glared at Dylan as I imagined several evil ways to get back at my friend for his ridiculous antics.

“Sparkling water with lime, please and thank you,” I replied calmly without making eye contact with Andrew.

“Nothingharder? Maybe somethingsweetandsinful?” Dylan asked, and I took a deep breath to avoid smacking him upside his head. Like he deserved.

“Mojito? Or a banana daiquiri? It’s my specialty,” Andrew asked innocently, and my face burned hotter.

“Go for the banana, Rowan,” Dylan murmured and winked at me.

“No, thank you. Just the water. A bottle and two glasses please and thank you.” At this rate, I’d need a whole case of water to cool myself down.

“My pleasure.”

“No doubt,” Dylan whispered, but luckily Andrew was already walking away.

I sat back, mesmerized by Andrew’s round arse in those tight navy shorts. I mentally rolled my eyes.Grow up, Rowan. You’ve seen hundreds of arses.I slipped on my mirrored sunglasses, and with my eyes now hidden, I allowed myself to peruse the rest of Andrew’s body all the way up to his face. I watched how he interacted with my guests as he toured the sundeck, handing out towels and taking drink orders. Charles, the usually uptight bore, laughed loudly in response to whatever Andrew said, which was a miracle in and of itself. There was something warm and unpretentious about my newest employee that drew people in. I surmised that I was no exception.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I murmured to Dylan as much as to myself.

Dylan turned on his side. “I have never, in all the years we’ve known each other, seen you get flustered over anyone. Not your usual fuck buddies, not even when you met Jojo,” Dylan’s head motioned toward Andrew. “Too bad he’s an employee, Ro. That puts you in quite a pickle.”

“Thank you for your succinct piece of wisdom, but I’m not going to cross that line. Bad enough I still have the press following me around from my last relationship. The last thing I need is to be caught with my pants down, literally, and with an employee no less. I can just see the salacious headlines now,” I whispered as blood pounded in my temples. I desperately needed to stay calm so I could focus on the deal that should be occupying all my attention. “I’m fully capable of controlling myself. I’m thirty-eight, not eighteen.”

“I was joking around, Ro, but there is serious shit to consider.”

“I am fully aware.” I turned to Dylan. “I’ll find a diversion tomorrow night, and everything will be back to normal. Problem solved.”


I sighed and forced myself to meet Dylan’s green gaze.

“You better know what you’re doing.”

“Nothing is going to happen. Let’s move on.” I paused, eager for a change in subject. My eyes, however, had a mind of their own and sought out my assistant while he was serving another round of drinks. Owen approached Andrew and grew closer to the younger man the longer they stood there. Shaking my head, I forced my thoughts - and gaze - back to my friend. “Talk to me about your book.”