Page 8 of Oh Buoy

“I accept.” The words blurted out of my mouth without hesitation.

Rowan reached out his hand, and I grasped it firmly, his surprisingly rough palm sending a shockwave through my body like a bolt of lightning glass. I dropped his hand as quickly as I’d taken it and vowed not to touch him ever again.

“If you could please book a car service and a table for me and my guests for dinner tomorrow evening at the Hidden Cove Resort in St. Thomas.” He paused. “And I’ll likely bring a guest back to the ship for the night. It’s also your job to ensure they leave quietly the next morning.”

My first job was to help Rowan get rid of his fuck friend?Fan-fucking-tastic.I glanced at Rowan’s gaze, the dark blue depths swirling with a challenge that I was more than ready to take on.

“Problem?” Rowan asked.

“No, sir. Your wish is my command.” Rowan’s eyes flared at that response, and I immediately regretted it. No way in hell was I going to play games with this man. Rowan was far too powerful and used to winning. “However, I was informed by the captain that the task of seeing off your visitor for the night would fall to the chief stew, and since I’m no longer...”

“The captain is mistaken. Are you able to handle it?”

“Of course,” I replied in a cool tone, ignoring my rapid heartbeat. “It’s nothing I haven’t done before.” That was the absolute truth, but it didn’t explain why my stomach flipped over at the thought of dealing with Rowan’s fuck buddy. Thankfully, my radio beeped, interrupting us.

“Andrew, can you please come help me at the bar?” Jordan asked.

“On my way,” I replied. “Duty calls.”

“Please join me at dinner this evening with the other guests. 7:30.”

Sitting down with my new boss at a dinner event would be interesting. Would I be okay to make small talk with guests that were so obviously out of my league? Then another issue occurred to me. “But…”

“Is there a problem?”

“I was expecting to wear a uniform for most of my time here. I’m afraid I have a limited wardrobe with me.”

“This is the Caribbean, so any meetings I have call for casual dress. I detest formal outfits unless necessary. If you still require items, feel free to order online with the corporate credit card provided to you by the captain and arrange the tender for pickup.”

I nodded in return, even though my gut was churning like a tidal wave about to unleash. I was nervous about this pivot but stayed silent. Over the past year, I had learned to move through heartbreak, embrace change, and focus on the present. I always managed to meet any challenge put before me, to do my best. I would use the same mindset and follow Rowan’s lead.

“Excellent. I’ll let you get back to your current duties. I’ll have the captain advise the staff about your new role.”

Rowan dismissed me without another glance, and I headed back inside. So what if this new position meant spending more time with Rowan and dealing with his hookups? I had experience with those situations, and I could handle it. After all, Rowan was my boss, and this was business. If anything, I should be grateful for such an opportunity. The promotion gave me more money, which meant I could pay off my debt that much sooner.

My mind was made up. As my heart continued to race, however, I admitted that the rest of my body wasn’t completely aligned with this plan.



I perched my sunglasses on top of my head and walked up the stairs to the sundeck in search of my best friend. Dylan was lying on a lounger at the far end, overlooking the bow, apart from the other guests. I wandered over and sat down on the empty lounger beside him.

Promoting Andrew had been an intelligent, rational decision. Either that or I’d royally fucked myself over.

My business relied on my experience and education but also my gut, and this situation was no different. I was honest when I said Andrew was qualified to work as my assistant, and my decision to move him into this role made perfect logical sense. And instinctively I knew that he would be excellent – his attention to detail and his attentiveness with Dylan confirmed it. Now I just needed to ignore my body’s wayward reaction every time Andrew came near me, and everything would be fine.

“Did you apologize to Andrew?” Dylan asked as he glanced up from his book.

“Yes,” I replied with a sigh.

“Did he agree to fill in for Ravi?”

I looked over at my friend and nodded. Dylan sat up and whipped off his sunglasses.

“What’s going on, Ro? Call me crazy, but it seemed like you were pissed off that Andrew was paying attention to me.”

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t be dramatic, Dylan. I’m just being my usual irascible self. You know us billionaires, we’re all cranky bastards.” There was no fucking way I was admitting my physical reaction to Andrew. Dylan would laugh his head off. “I told you earlier I’m stressed from work, and I’ve been unhappy for a while now. I guess I’m taking it out on other people. Or person, in this instance.”