Page 60 of Oh Buoy

Her face visibly paled, but she lifted her chin. “I have other pictures…”

“I don’t care. Captain, please escort Kayla to her bunk while she packs and do not leave her unguarded.”

“Of course,” George replied as he stood up. He motioned to the door, and Kayla stomped out.

Good riddance.

Picking up my phone, I placed a call to Aiden. I was not looking forward to this conversation, but all I cared about was getting Andrew back in my life. I would take whatever tongue-lashing my legal team would no doubt dispense. My uncle had already left several angry voicemails to that effect.

“Fulman, Furrow, Barstock, and Alden, how can I direct your call?” A smooth voice answered.

“Rowan Carter to speak with Aiden Barstock, please. It’s urgent.”

“One moment please.”

I tapped nervously on my desk as I waited.

“Rowan, what the fuck is going on? I just received a message from your media team that a serious storm has blown up, something about you having an affair with one of your employees.” Aiden’s booming voice echoed through the line.

“I’d like to set up a remote press conference. I’m currently docked in Anguilla.”

“Tell me everything.”

I proceeded to explain the whole story, including the news article and Kayla’s involvement.

“You should have let the captain handle her dismissal and avoided any further contact with her. Don’t ever do anything like that again without contacting me first.”

“I’m sorry, Aiden. Well, not really. It felt fucking amazing to sack her.”

I could hear Aiden’s sigh on the other end of the line. “Was that hot American arse worth all this trouble?”

“It’s not just sex, you eejit! I love him, and he loves me. If I have my way, we’re going to get married, so stop insulting my future husband.” I spat out.

“Married? Is he pushing for that? Are you sure Andrew’s motives aren’t suspect? Have you had him investigated? In fact, I’ll get on that right away.”

“Do what’s needed, but I trust Andrew. He’s friends with Ravi, and Ravi vetted him carefully.”

“Like he did with Kayla?”

I rolled my eyes. “Investigate as you see fit, but let me tell Andrew.”


“I also need you to advise me on how to respond to Lionel. I got the deal with Owen signed, but this media blow-up will tip his hand. The board will not appreciate my sex life being front page news again.”

“You’re right. I think it’s best I down on the next flight to prep you for the media scrum and to discuss our strategy with the company. And I want to talk to the captain and get a suit filed against that woman as soon as possible. We’ll also need to discuss your assets if you and this Andrew bloke decide to embark on a relationship.”

“I’m not stupid, Aiden.”

The loud snort on the other end of the line indicated otherwise. Aiden was not subtle in the slightest.

“Alright, I acted without thinking of the consequences, but it will all work out in the end. And I’m happy to have my private charter waiting at Heathrow for you, just tell me when.”

“As soon as possible. I can be at the airport in two hours.”

“Done. And thank you.”

“Of course. You’re also my friend, and I don’t leave friends stranded during times of crisis,” Aiden sighed. “Tell me about your Andrew. He must be someone special to catch your attention.” Underneath all the gruff, smart-mouth replies, Aiden was a true friend.