Page 59 of Oh Buoy

“Andrew, honey, what’s the matter?” my mom asked as she led me into their living room. The ranch style house was filled with old yet comfortable furniture, a big brown sectional, and a beat-up recliner that my dad refused to part with. I sat on the sofa as my mom ran to the kitchen and came back with a glass of sweet tea and a plate of cookies. In the South, every emergency called for sugar.

I stared at my mom, whose black hair and dark eyes matched my own, and could only shake my head. Once I’d taken a few sips of tea, I finally found my voice.

“Have you looked at the news today? Social media?” I asked her.

“Not yet. You know I’m not big on that. Why? What’s happened?”

“Let me get this out and then you can ask questions, okay?” I paused and swallowed another sip of tea. “I told you about my boss, Rowan? Well, we became friends and then, well, we fell in love with each other. And he told me we should stop until my contract ended, in case the press got wind, and sure enough, there was an article and a picture of us released today that’s all over the news. And then my co-worker, Kayla, found me leaving Rowan’s bedroom at five this morning, and she was the one who helped leak the story to the press. I told Rowan it would be better if I left. Give him time to think about our relationship cause what the hell is he doing with me? And I did. I left. And here I am.” I was totally out of breath.

My mom sat beside me and held my hand gently. She smiled in that way that told me everything would be all right. I was grateful to see her kind eyes staring back at me. She was so comforting, and her warmth wound through me, a soothing balm for my fucked-up nerves.

Until she smacked my hand. Hard. Southern mamas are fierce about tough love, y’all.

“Given what you went through with Anton, you went and fell in love with your boss? Again? And how could you put yourself and the man you love at risk like that? If you love Rowan, you should’ve waited!”

My cheeks heated. “I couldn’t help it. This is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. Look at him, Mama, would you have resisted?” I pulled up the picture of the two of us on my phone, the only one I had (outside of the pics now circulating on the internet), the one I couldn’t delete, and showed it to her. Goddamn, the adoring way we looked at each other. Our love was right there for anyone to see.

“You make a fine couple, Andrew, but you know better than that.” She shook her head at me and munched on a cookie. “What’s going to happen now? How long are you home for?”

“I don’t know. I just want to bury myself under a blanket and never come out.”

“Come on, Drew, we didn’t raise a quitter. If you love Rowan like you say you do, you need to sit down with him and figure it out. Don’t let other people destroy your happiness.”

“Is this a sign that I should let him go? He’s a billionaire, Mama. How would I fit into his world? What can I give him?”

“Honey, you are so smart and funny and sarcastic and gorgeous, kind, sweet…Lord, I could go on all night, but I don’t want you to get a big ego. Most importantly, you care so much about people. Your heart is full of kindness and love, and that’s the best gift he could ever receive. He is the luckiest man in the world to have you.” She smiled at me and wiped my face. “And you’d fit in just fine. You make friends wherever you go, no matter the situation. Is he the man you want to build your life with?”

“Yes,” I replied without hesitation. “I never expected to fall in love like this. But I’m scared of being kicked to the curb. Again. What if the same thing happens with Rowan? I don’t think I could go through that. And this would be way worse because the love I have for him is so much deeper than what I felt for Anton.”

My mom sighed. “I know you cared for Anton, honey, he was your first love. But he didn’t care for you the same way. I saw it and so did your dad. He was selfish and immature, and his actions at the end reflected that. But don’t let that stop you from something wonderful with Rowan. If he’s the man for you, you need to take a chance and jump.”

“You’re right.” I took a deep breath. “I love Rowan so much. And his family too, they’re so awesome. We had quite the Christmas.”

“You met his family? And they like you?” she asked.

I nodded.

“But that’s when I was working for him. They don’t know about our relationship. They may end up hating me when the press descends. He’s already dealing with high blood pressure from stress.”

“If you love each other, you’ll find a way.”

“Rowan told me it wasn’t over, so I guess I should have faith.”

“Exactly. Get cleaned up, and I’ll fix you a plate of supper. Your dad will be home soon. Then you can tell us about your business plans and figure out your happily ever after with Rowan.”

“We fell in love—I said nothing about marriage.”

My mom gave me a glare that meant business. “You’re my only child, so I expect a wedding, a baby or three, and eventually, grandbabies. But for now, I’ll settle for a wedding.”

I laughed out loud for the first time in hours, and it felt good. That little bit of hope burned brighter inside of me. I clung to it and refused to let go.

* * *


The captain preferred to handle the situation with Kayla on his own, but I wanted my say. He was already seated when she entered my office, and her face didn’t look the least bit surprised.

“This meeting is to advise that you are being terminated effective immediately. And I will be contacting my team of solicitors to sue you for breaching your NDA. You contact me, Andrew, or anyone related to this ship or my business ever again, and I will drag you through so much litigation you’ll be in debt in perpetuity.”