Page 24 of Oh Buoy

“Yeah, she is. Just wait until it’s your turn. You’ll meet some handsome guy, and next thing, you’ll be planning a wedding and signing a mortgage and you won’t know what hit you until it’s too fucking late. And you’ll be so happy that you won’t be able to stop talking about it.”

An unbidden vision of a blond man in a linen suit standing on a beach flashed in my mind. I shook my head to dispel the image; I must be in desperate need of sleep.

“I’m not sure, Hunt. I’m good on my own.” I was happier than I’d been in a long time now that I was finally over my heartbreak. Only a year ago, I thought Anton and I would be forever, and look what had happened there. Did I want to go down that path again and risk getting hurt? Maybe love and marriage weren’t in my future. Maybe my heart was safer sailing alone.

Hunter’s face grew serious. “Drew, there’s a man out there who would count himself very lucky to have you as his partner.”

“Been there and look what happened.”

Hunter ran a hand over his face. “Not everyone is a douche like your ex, Anton.”

“You didn’t like him?” This was news to me.

“Dude, no one did. He criticized you in front of your friends, and he was a selfish prick, always talking to you in a patronizing way. And that was before he cheated, fired you, and locked you out of your home. Good riddance, Anton,” Hunter growled. “Your partner should lift you up, not tear you down. You’ve worked over the past year, so just keep being yourself. The right person will come to you when you’re ready. Trust me.”

I was touched by my friend’s love and support. “Lookit you, all sensitive and shit. What the hell, Hunt?”

“I know, blame it on Dana.” Hunter paused. “Wait, she’s giving me a dirty look and mumbling something about sleeping on the couch.”

I laughed. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course. Anything.”

“When you were single, did you ever have sex with someone you worked with?” I whispered.

Hunt’s eyebrows raised. “Hold on.” Hunt was moving to another room, and I heard a door click. I knew Hunter would keep everything we said between us, but on my end, the walls separating each bunk on this level weren’t thick and voices carried. I lowered the volume and prayed for the best.

“Okay, I can talk now. You got the hots for a cute co-worker?”

“Something like that,” I mumbled.

“Back about seven years ago, before I met Dana, I worked as a paralegal for a firm in Atlanta. There was this really cute para, Haley Sills. Black hair, green eyes. Anyway, we flirted for months but it wasn’t until we had drinks together at the office Christmas party that something happened…” Hunter paused.


“We stayed at the pub until we were the only two left. Then I walked her home, she invited me up, and we slept together.”


“After it was over, she threw my pants at me and told me to get out ‘cause she needed her sleep. So, I hightailed it outta there. The next day, she was civil to me, but that was it. She barely made eye contact, and when I texted her asking to talk, she ignored me.”

I imagined Rowan throwing my shorts at me and telling me to leave his bedroom and get off his ship. I flashbacked to a year ago, and I knew I couldn’t deal with that kind of humiliation a second time. “Ouch. That sounds pretty fucking awkward, Hunt.”

“It was, especially when she got promoted two months later and became my boss.”

“Wait, so that’s why you left Dunston & Marshall?”

“I had to go. But switching firms at the beginning of your career isn’t ideal.”

“So, having sex with her wasn’t worth the risk?” Even on a yacht this size, there was always someone around every corner.

“No way. It was a huge mistake. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do it. Moving to a new law firm meant starting at the bottom again. I know it’s tempting, but you’re on that boat for another three months. Find someone on shore to hook up with instead of a co-worker. Save yourself a lot of tense morning afters and uncomfortable conversations. Not to mention that if there’s a no fraternization policy on board and your boss finds out, it could damage your ability to get a reference.”

“There’s no policy per se, but I see what you mean.” Hunter’s advice was sound, and my brain agreed. Too bad my dick was having none of it. “You’re probably right. Anyway, it was great to see your face and catch up, but I better get going. I have to sit in on a conference call with the boss in fifteen minutes.”

“You take care, Drew. Text or call anytime.”

“Will do, Hunt. Give Dana a hug for me.”