Page 25 of Oh Buoy

Hunter’s feedback confirmed that I needed to focus on the bigger picture. My friends were moving on with their personal lives, getting married, having kids, settling down. Focusing on establishing my business was the next phase for my life. I needed the income from this charter to pay off my debt and make my business dream a reality. More importantly, I had to protect my vulnerable heart. I tended to lean with it, but I couldn’t trust it anymore.

No more daydreams of Rowan and his bedroom eyes.

That mindset was hard enough when I was alone. But once I was face-to-face with Rowan, my sensibility threatened to fall overboard. A little voice at the back of my mind told me that drowning in the dark blue depths of Rowan’s eyes would be worth it.



I called my uncle to inform him of my discussion with Owen and his decision by the end of the month. Lionel wasn’t happy that the deal wasn’t signed but was willing to give me the few extra weeks to work it out. How magnanimous of him… Putting that conversation aside, I focused on the next family matter at hand.

“I am advising you that this upcoming week is going to be one of the most difficult of your entire career.”

“I’m always ready for a challenge,” Andrew stated as he sat across from me in my office, brown eyes swirling with curiosity and determination.

“Excellent.” I nodded and leaned forward on my desk, steepling my hands. “Because you’ll be dealing with my family and their rather eccentric habits, odd requests, and fondness for asking inappropriate questions. My father, mother, brother, sister, as well as my aunt. I apologize profusely in advance for what you are about to endure.”

Andrew shook his head and chuckled, a lock of his black hair falling over his forehead. “It’s not like I’m new to this, so if you’re trying to scare me off it won’t work. Bring it on.”

I smiled at Andrew’s confidence and sat back in my leather chair. “You’re so sure of yourself, eh? It’s so American of you, so positive. Just wait. Or feel free to ask Dylan before he leaves. He can vouch for my family’s lack of filter and ability to drive sane people round the bend.”

Andrew’s deep laughter made my stomach flip. I ignored it, like I ignored all my baser impulses around this man and forced my mind back to the matter at hand. I reached for my tea and took a long sip before continuing.

“I’m relying on you to keep my family occupied and out of trouble. You’ll need to set up daily excursions to neighboring islands. Organize the Christmas lunch for the seven of us plus all the skeleton staff that remain on board. And take care of whatever weird demands my family will make of you. Oh, and a warning that my aunt tends to pinch items, so have fun with that.”

“Excuse me?” Andrew’s expression was horrified. I really shouldn’t tease him, but I couldn’t help it. Payback for all the billionaire jokes that he and Dylan were so fond of lobbing at me.

“My aunt Cara, she’s a kleptomaniac. She likes takings items that don’t belong to her. Silverware, bottles of whiskey, books, underwear, anything really. It’s fine, she returns most of the items eventually. Except for the whiskey.”

“You’re joking, right? That’s sarcasm?”

I kept my face as neutral as possible, but Andrew looked me in the eye, and he wasn’t fooled. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and giving me that sexy smirk that sent arousal straight to my dick. Suddenly my very spacious office felt hot and claustrophobic.

“Very funny, Rowan. Is there anything else? I need to get planning underway.”

“If you could please draft up the agreements we discussed earlier and proofread the annual report? The communications team insists it’s ready to go but I want one last look at it.”

“On it. Do you mind if I work on the sundeck today?”

“Of course not, you don’t need to ask. Wherever you feel most comfortable.” I paused and despite my best efforts, snuck a long glance at Andrew’s profile. “How do you celebrate Christmas? If you celebrate, I shouldn’t assume.”

Andrew leaned back in his chair. “We pick out a Christmas tree from a local farm and trim it with ugly decorations I made in grade three that my mother refuses to part with. Then, on Christmas Eve, we have a late supper and watch movies until midnight – Die Hard, Elf, and Home Alone are a must. On Christmas morning, we have brunch, open our presents, and head over to my Uncle Leighton’s farm to visit with my cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents for a big turkey dinner. And sometimes we go horseback riding.”

“Sounds wonderful. I’m sorry you’ll miss it this year.” I offered him a cup of tea, but he shook his head.

“It’s fine. My parents will throw a big party when I get back. How does your family celebrate Christmas?”

I leaned forward and smiled. “My father insists on reciting parts ofA Christmas Carolon Christmas Eve. We open presents in the morning, have a huge breakfast and then play cards for hours. I warn you; we are highly competitive when it comes to Euchre, especially my sister Rebecca. Do not be fooled by her quiet demeanor. She’s ruthless.” I paused. “And then at dinner we pop festive crackers, wear ridiculous paper hats, set a pudding on fire, and sit around afterward taking turns taking the piss.”

Andrew chuckled. “Sounds fun. I love cards – poker and gin are my favorite. And don’t worry, I’ll have the extinguisher on standby in case the pudding fire rages out of control.”

“A wise decision. Five years ago, when it was my brother Rafe’s turn to light it, he singed his hair, and my ears took three days to recover from his screeching. You’d think he’d be used to burnt hair with the volume of hot styling tools he totes around everywhere. Bloody models, they’re so high-maintenance.”

“Your brother is a model? Like a fashion model?” Andrew asked as I nodded. “Why doesn’t that surprise me. I guess your entire family’s gorgeous.”

I flushed at the comment and shrugged. “No, just me. Rafe is okay too, but he tends to photograph better, hence the modeling career.”

“Got it,” Andrew chuckled and stood up. “Well, I’m looking forward to meeting your family. It’s going to be an unforgettable week.”