Page 22 of Oh Buoy

I turned away and shook my head. “I haven’t done much. Hopefully, I steered you in the right direction. That’s it.”

“You’re very observant, and I appreciate it. Thank you.”

I tried my best not to look at Rowan, but like two magnets, our gazes collided. I nervously licked my lips, and Rowan’s eyes tracked the movement, then clashed again with mine. As much as I wanted to friend-zone my boss, there was this pesky thing called chemistry going on between us. We were treading in deep waters, and all it would take is one strong wave to pull us under.

“We have about another hour left. Do you guys want to explore Charlotte Amelie before we head back to the boat?” Dylan asked, tilting back his straw hat.

“I’m game if you are,” I murmured, but I kept my eyes locked on Rowan’s.

Rowan didn’t reply, but his wide grin said it all.

Game on.



Today was one of the best days I’d experienced in years. I wasn’t the billionaire, the dealmaker, I was just Ro - a man enjoying a day at the beach with his friends. Only one was my best friend, and the other… well, I wanted more than friendship from Andrew. I desired him in every dirty, delicious way I could imagine. And I didn’t know what turned me on more, Andrew’s body or his brains. He was kind, funny, sharp. And sexy. So fucking sexy and yet he didn’t seem to be aware. But I noticed and so did other men on the beach.

When we’d first arrived, Andrew pulled off his shorts and tank top to reveal a tiny black speedo that clearly outlined the heft of his cock and balls. I’d almost swallowed my tongue and feared I would have a massive coronary right there on the beach.At least you’d die happy. Ordering Andrew to lie down so I could apply sunscreen to his supple back was genius of the highest order and stupidity of the same. Then Dylan came crashing into the cabana and reality along with him.

I had warned Leo not to mouth off about my presence at the beach club, but I knew the game. The club had limited privacy. And Leo was probably looking for an opportunity to sell me out. It wouldn’t be difficult. I glanced at my mobile and perused the usual gossip sites. Sure enough, I noticed a picture of me, Andrew, and Dylan on the beach, paddleboarding. You couldn’t make out Andrew’s face since his head was turned in the other direction, but it was a near thing and a stark reminder of my uncle’s threat. Was I ready to fuck up my business, my health, for the chance of fleeting sex with Andrew? I was trying to reduce my stress, not compound it. I had to think of the repercussions if someone found out I was lusting after my assistant. That meant no more friendly day trips or flirty glances.

Pushing all thoughts of the beach day to the back of my mind, I focused my attention instead on the man sitting in front of me. I’d finally managed to snag Owen’s attention at dinner, and he remained seated at the table while the captain headed to the wheelhouse and the other guests wandered back to their own quarters. The Katlans were too drunk (again) to talk business, so their presence this weekend had been a total waste of time. Thank God they were departing in the morning.

Turning my focus back to Owen, I was determined to resolve this issue with him one way or another.

“You’re leaving tomorrow, but we haven’t had any further discussions about your properties. For us to move forward, I think we need to take a moment and look back. I spoke with my father earlier today. He informed me that a decade ago, before I took over, he had discussed the possibility of selling his company shares with two outside contacts, one of them being you.”

Owen’s hand tightened on his glass of whiskey, and he pursed his lips.

“That is true.”

“Is that what this is about? You were annoyed that my father changed his mind and so you’re, what? Making me run around in circles after you? Is this payback? I’m not sure I understand. If it was just a discussion and no promises were made, why hold a grudge all these years?”

Owen nodded and took a big sip of whiskey. “There were no promises made, but I wanted a foothold in the European market that had huge potential. And then your father turned around a month later and said you were stepping into his role. I’d worked my ass off all my life, since I was a kid. Built my business from nothing. You hadn’t created anything, and you just stepped into your father’s shoes. What did you care? Then the real estate market crashed a year later, and my US portfolio took a hit that I didn’t think I would ever recover from. I kept thinking if only I’d had those UK properties.” He paused. “But, like always, I clawed my way back. Now I’m forty-nine, and I have more money than sense. I know you’re offering a good deal, but I’m a stubborn man. I guess a bitter one too since I enjoyed you chasing after me and being able to throw every offer back in your face.”

“I appreciate your candour, Owen. Finally. But it’s time to move on. I’ve worked bloody hard over the past decade, and I promise you, my offer is more than generous. Are you willing to close the deal?”

I waited anxiously as Owen looked over at the horizon.

“I’ll agree to make a final decision within a month.”

“Perfect. You discuss it with your legal team and get back to me.”

Owen downed the rest of his whiskey in one go, slammed down his glass, and got up.

“That sounds fair, but I make no promises. If I get a better offer in the meantime…” He started to walk toward the interior but paused at the door. “By the way, what led you to ask your father about what happened?”

I smiled. “Andrew. He was convinced that your issue with me had something to do with our connected past.”

“A smart young man. And fine-looking too. I’m quite charmed by him.”

I held back my immediate reaction to lash out but just barely. No way was Owen getting anywhere near Andrew. The visceral, possessive instinct shocked me. It felt entirely too natural.

“It’s a shame he’s already taken.”

“Excuse me?” My hand tightened on my glass.