Page 21 of Oh Buoy

“I’m sorry, Rowan.”

“No, it’s fine.” Rowan smiled as he ran a hand through his messy blonde waves. “Anyway, Owen and I have known each other for about a decade, back when my father retired and I became CEO. Around that time, I wasn’t sure if I had the interest to take over. I liked the development side and sales, but the day-to-day running of the business and all the administrative responsibilities, not so much. My father suggested he could sell his shares. My uncle Lionel, who is the co-founder, president, and majority owner, was enraged with my hesitation and my father’s idea. After a few months of careful consideration, my mind was made up, and the rest is history.”

“And at that time, Owen was in the midst of acquiring several hotels in Europe as well as purchasing property for residential condo development,” I commented as I motioned again for the hostess, who quickly stopped by and took our empty dishes. “Did your dad discuss selling his shares with anyone outsiders?” I asked as I let my gaze drift over the turquoise sea in front of us, people swimming and snorkeling just a few feet away.

“I don’t know. I think he was mulling the idea over until I came to a decision.”

I turned to glance at Rowan again, his brow furrowed.

“Contact your father and ask him. Maybe Owen thought he was first in line to buy him out and he got pissed when your father changed his mind.”

“Even if that were true, why hold on to a grudge for this long?”

I took a long sip of my water. “Who knows. But it’s a start.”

Rowan leaned over to grab his phone and tapped away, placing it on speaker. He set the phone down on the table between the two of us. Three rings later, a chipper voice answered.

“How are you, my boy?”

“I’m good Da, do you have a moment? I have a question for you.”

“You know me, I love the craic so ask away.”

“About ten years ago before I stepped into your role, did you mention to anyone you were considering selling your shares to an outside party?”

“Hmmm, that’s a long time ago. Why? What’s going on?”

“Owen Blakely is still reticent to accept my offer, and my assistant suggested it might have something to do with my taking over from you a decade ago.”

A long silence. I stretched out on the lounger and watched a lone seagull swoop down in front of our cabana, looking for scraps of food. I slid my sunglasses up to rest on my head and searched for my sunscreen. Dylan was napping with his hat over his face.

“Outside of my brother and our CFO at the time, I did have a discussion with two outside parties. Owen was one and the other was Annabelle Gorling. Nothing concrete, mind you, but more along the lines of testing the waters to gauge their interest.”

“You never told me about this.” Rowan paused. “And then a few months later I accepted the role and your shares.”

“Yes, so the conversations were irrelevant.”

“I’m going to have a chat with Owen and see if I can get to the root of his issue with me. Thanks, Da.”

“Anytime, son. I hope you can sort it out. I’m sorry I never mentioned it, but I didn’t think it had any relevance.”

“It’s alright. I’ll get it sorted.”

“That Ravi’s a smart egg.”

“Oh, it wasn’t Ravi. He’s on leave for the next month. His temp, Andrew, is the one I was referring to. He’s done a remarkable job so far.”

My cheeks heated, and I uncapped my bottle of sunscreen as a diversion. Rowan’s praise did something funny to me, like a flutter of fireflies lighting me up from the inside. I rarely blushed and never from an employer telling me “job well done’”.This is what you get by inviting your boss out like you would a date…Shit, I had crossed the professional line today, and now I couldn’t remember where the hell it was to begin with.

“I look forward to meeting him.”

“He looks forward to meeting you as well over Christmas week. Give mum a hug.”


Rowan placed his phone on the table and grinned at me. When those dimples appeared, I was helpless to return his smile. I got a glimpse of the real Rowan Carter, and damn if it didn’t make me feel kinda special.

“If I get this thing with Owen sorted and that deal happens, you will receive a very large Christmas bonus.”