Page 110 of Sin with Me

Brynn looks at me with wide eyes. “He’s naked. With a GLOCK. I can’t decide if I find that sexy as hell or scary as shit.”

I happen to find it sexy as hell.

“Sorry, Maks. We didn’t realize you weren’t alone,” Ryleigh pipes in.

No. For the first time in a long time. I’m not alone.

I glance over at Callisto, who is now seated at the edge of my bed. “Are you parked in the driveway?”

He chuckles, and I’m relieved he’s not upset at the intrusion. “Yes, baby. Right in front.”

He called me baby. He’s sitting on my bed. Shirtless and barefoot, with his pants unbuttoned, and he just called me baby. I want to jump his bones. Right now.

Brynn looks at Ryleigh then they both turn to me, the shock apparent in their expressions. I swallow hard. If there was ever any doubt, it has now been erased. I’m busted. There’s a naked man in my bedroom and he just called me baby.

Oh shit. I’m naked, too. I’m mortified. Too late to do anything about it now.

Thankfully Brynn has enough common sense to catch a hint. “Well, since we came to keep you company. And you uh… already have company. We’ll be going now,” she says, her words drawn out and calculated. I’m not sure if it’s an after effect of having a gun pointed at her head, or if she’s still processing the fact that there’s a man in my room.

She and Ryleigh move to leave, leaning in to give me a hug and kiss before they go.

Yes, I’m naked. No, it’s not at all awkward.

Yes, that was sarcastic.

Brynn whispers in my ear, “Pancakes and bacon. I told you so.” Then she shoots me a wink and walks out.

Pancakes and bacon, indeed.

“I got it,” Callisto tells me when he notices I’m about to follow them to the door. Even though I’m naked. And it’s chilly. And I don’t really want to. I’m amazed at how thoughtful this man has turned out to be. Six months ago, I was calling him arrogant and inconsiderate. But there’s so much more to him, so very much more.

The next morning, I wake up to the smell of bacon and coffee. I throw a T-shirt over my head and make my way into the kitchen to find Callisto.

There he is. Standing at the island, spatula on the griddle, flipping pancakes with a smile that could rival the sunrise. I take a second to soak it all in before I walk over to circle my arms around his waist.

He places a tender kiss on the top of my head. “Good morning, beautiful.”

I press my lips to his bare chest and smile back. “Morning.”

“You like pancakes?”

“They’re my favorite.”

I pull myself away from him to let him finish cooking. Then I grab a couple of plates and warm a bottle of syrup.

“I wanted to wait until the right moment to give you this,” he says, wiping the bacon grease from his fingers onto a napkin. “But after last night, I can’t think of a better time than now.”

He slides a long envelope across the table in my direction. I lift one eyebrow, silently questioning his gesture. After last night? Is he talking about the party? Or the incident with Brynn and Ryleigh? Or whatever went on that pulled him away from me for a few hours?

“You already opened everyone else’s,” he says, more as a challenge than as if he were offended. Then he stacks some pancakes on both our plates.

I wipe my hands and slide a finger beneath the flap. As soon as I remove the contents, I lower my chin and focus on his face. He remains unmoved, watching my reaction with perceptive eyes. I glance between those eyes and this envelope for several moments before speaking. He’s given me two tickets to Tahiti for three days of what I can only assume would be paradise on earth. With him. This definitely beats a spa day and a bunch of tulips.

“Save the best for last?” I smirk.

He stabs his pancake. “The best things come to those who wait.”

Oh, so it’s a battle of wits.