Page 109 of Sin with Me

I’m still wearing the dark gray shirt dress from the party while I sit on my sofa and sort through the stack of cards and gifts. I’ve just finished unwrapping the third gift when my doorbell rings. I jump to answer and butterflies swarm circles around my stomach at the hope Callisto is on the other side.

“Hey,” I breathe, relieved to find my wish has been granted.

“Is now a bad time?” His eyes look tired, heavy—burdened. He’s looked that way since he got back from Miami.

I want to take it all away from him. I want to be his resting place.

“Are you kidding me?” I take a step back and open the door to invite him inside. “I was just thinking about you.”

I pull him next to me on the sofa, not able to wait another minute to touch him. Then I climb on top of his lap, my knees a vise on either side of his hips, and eye his plump lips. His hands grip my thighs, inching their way up to my butt and pulling my dress with them as they go. He starts to say something, but I hurry my index finger to his lips to shush him.

“Sssshhhh. Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?” The confusion in his voice is apparent.

“Nothing. There’s no one here but us,” I whisper, bringing my face to the curve in his neck. “I think it’s safe for you to kiss me now.”

His hands cup my butt and scoot me forward on his lap until I am delightfully mounted right on top of the bulge in his charcoal gray dress pants. “Are you sure about that?”

“I’ll take my chances.”

My body yearns for him like it yearns for oxygen. Without him, I feel like I’m suffocating. I bring my face to his and lean in close, tracing the tip of my tongue across his bottom lip, drawing a quiet hum from deep in his throat. His tongue sweeps over the spot I just marked, searching for remnants of my taste.

“And I’ll take what’s mine,” he says, slipping his long fingers past the elastic of my panties and across my bare ass. “You are mine, aren’t you, Makenna?”

“Yes,” I breathe.

Then I spend the rest of the night proving it.

I’m not sure how long we’ve been asleep when I’m awakened by the feeling of Callisto darting out of bed.

“What happened? Why are you—”

He quiets me, placing a hand over my mouth and a single finger to his lips. I start to sit up but quickly decide not to when I hear movement in the hallway. Someone’s here. Someone’s in my house. How? Why?

Callisto stands next to the door of my bedroom, his back against the wall, intently focused on the hall. I move to get out of bed and the mattress creaks, earning me a silent glare from my new bodyguard.

I hear giggling in the hallway and immediately breathe a sigh of relief. Brynn. Of course. She knows my code. She’s used it a dozen times before when I would retreat into my sadness and shut the world out.

Brynn and Ryleigh turn the corner just as Callisto brings the semi-automatic he pulled out of thin air to his chest. He extends his arm, pointing the weapon at Brynn’s temple.

“Holy fuck,” she shouts the moment she realizes the situation she’s in.

I jolt out of bed and jerk her away from the line of fire.

“Cal, it’s okay. It’s just Brynn.”

He lowers the gun and clenches his jaw as Ryleigh eases her way past him into my bedroom.

“Fucking hell,” he says on an exhale. “Don’t you knock?”

“Why the hell do you have a gun? And holy shit. Are you naked?”

I rub Brynn’s back to settle her nerves as she makes her observation.

Shit. He’s definitely naked, and I think Ryleigh might be taking mental notes.

He walks around the bed, grabs his pants off the floor, and slips them on before my friends start to drool.