“I’m not a klutz.”
“And I suppose it was my fault you were snooping under my bed.”
“Duh.” She rolls her eyes. “You were the one who played with my vibrator.”
“If playing catch is how you play with your vibrator, we need to have a talk.”
Her cheeks darken. “I know how to use a vibrator.”
“Do tell.”
Her blush darkens until her face is the color of a fire engine. Having a sister who’s a redhead is the best thing ever. She can’t hide when she’s embarrassed, which, of course, means I embarrass her every chance I get.
She clears her throat. “Stop it. I didn’t come here to discuss my sex life.”
“You didn’t? Why did you come over?”
“I told you. To get my revenge.”
Time to end this. This back and forth could go on all night. Don’t get me wrong. I love to bicker with my sister. But I’m tired. I’ve been on my feet slinging drinks for ten hours. My feet ache, and I smell of the beer I spilled down my shirt hours ago. I just had to accept a dare to carry five beers, four cocktails, and two orange juices at the same time. I’m lucky the beer got me. Orange juice is sticky.
“You only pull pranks when your personal life is a mess.”
Her nose wrinkles. “You can’t possibly know that.”
I cock an eyebrow. “I can’t? I’ve known you for thirty years.”
“I hate how smart you are.”
“And I hate how pretty you are.”
She snorts. “Someone needs to make an appointment at the eye doctor.”
How Elizabeth doesn’t realize how pretty she is, is beyond me. Her auburn hair is long and curly. And she has alabaster skin. She refers to her hair as a mop and hates the freckles dotting her skin. She even tried to bleach them when we were teenagers. It might have been my idea. It’s my obligation as an older sister to tease my younger siblings and I am more than dedicated to the task.
I plop down on my sofa, and she sits next to me. We sip on our beers in silence. My eyes are falling closed when she finally speaks.
“I’m not pregnant.”
I tap her beer bottle with mine. “I would hope not.”
She sticks her tongue out at me. “I’m being serious.”
“So am I. Drinking while pregnant is bad, but you wouldn’t believe the number of pregnant women I’ve seen in bars ordering a drink.”
Her nose wrinkles. “You’re kidding.”
“Nope. You need to pass a test to get a driver’s license but there’s no test before you can have children.”
Her eyes well. Shit. Thisnot pregnantthing is serious. I struggle to think of something comforting to say, but I’m not the comforting sister. Need revenge on the boy who cheated on you? I’m your girl. Need someone to listen while you cry? Better call Gabrielle.
Speaking of our baby sister, “Do you want me to phone Gabrielle?”
I reach for the phone in my pocket, but Elizabeth slaps my wrist. “What’s your damage?”
“You can’t call her! It’s the middle of the night.”
“As if there’s a time limit on a crisis.”