Page 53 of Meet Dare

I’m going to be devastated when he leaves. If he leaves. If he doesn’t, then I’m going to have to find my lady balls and end things with him. I’m way too attached as it is.

Chapter 18

Always make sure your family believes you’re afraid of clowns. Trust me on this ~ Cassie’s rules for living in close proximity to her sisters

Ifrown when I stick my key in the lock and my apartment door creaks open. I know I locked up when I left for my shift at the bar. I may live in the tiny town of Winter Falls now, but I grew up in Saint Louis. I know better than to leave my door unsecured.

I fist my keys and tiptoe into my apartment. I scan the living room as I go. Phew. The television is still here. I guess I wasn’t robbed. I notice a light coming from underneath my bathroom door. Welp. There’s only one thing to do.

I snatch the baseball bat from behind the front door – a souvenir from the bar I worked at in Saint Louis – toe off my shoes, and creep through the hallway until I’m standing outside the bathroom. I raise the bat and prepare myself to swing, but then someone mutters shit balls and I relax.

The door squeaks open, and I step in front of it.


Elizabeth screams and runs away straight toward the wall. She slams into it, her legs give out, and she falls to the floor. I stand over her body sprawled in my hallway.

“Hey, sis.”

“Holy crap! You scared the piss out of me. Literally. I think I peed my pants.”

I cock my eyebrow. “Think?”

I know she peed her pants. She always does when she’s frightened. Ask me how I know. I have stories.

“Whatever.” She holds out a hand. “Help me up.”

I haul her to her feet.

“What’s up?”

“What do you mean?” Elizabeth feigns confusion. “I’m in the middle of pulling off an epic prank.”

“Putting a cardboard shark in my bathtub is hardly epic.”

“Good thing there’s not a cardboard shark in your bathtub.”

“Clown in the toilet?” I guess again.

She grunts, which means yes. Convincing my sisters I’m afraid of clowns was the smartest move I could ever make. All of their pranks now involve clowns. They think they’re scaring me. They’re wrong.

“Beer?” I don’t wait for an answer before propping the bat against the wall and making my way to the kitchen.

“Well?” I ask as I hand her the bottle. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. I’m getting my revenge.”

I chuckle. Elizabeth sucks at revenge. Unmaking my bed. Really?

“Revenge for what?”

“You gave me a concussion.”

I tap my chest. “Igave you a concussion?”

“Yes. It’s your fault.”

“It’s my fault you’re a klutz?”