Page 39 of Meet Dare

Beckett grunts. “I do.”

I glance over at him. He’s now sitting on the bed with his shoe off. His foot is swollen and bruising is already visible.

I stand and clap my hands. “Let’s go. River and Elizabeth you’re with me.”

River lifts Elizabeth up into his arms and cradles her near as he walks to the door.

“Lilac, I assume you’ll drive Beckett?”

“If the little woman is allowed to drive,” she grumbles before helping her fiancé to his feet.

The front door opens before we reach it.

“Yoo-hoo!” Sage greets as she strolls into my apartment with the rest of the gossip gals trailing after her. Without an invitation, mind you. Note to self – always lock my doors when I’m home.

“There’s no time for your infernal matchmaking.”

When Gabrielle moved to Winter Falls, the gossip gals showed up on moving day with a list of possible matches. Then, when Elizabeth took over the apartment, they actually had profiles of her potential matches added to her welcome basket. They think it’s my turn now. They couldn’t be more wrong.

I am destined to die alone. Well, not completely alone. I have my Diva now. I miss the little rascal, but I left her with Juniper for the day because I didn’t want her getting hurt with everyone rushing around carrying boxes and furniture. Considering we’re on our way to the hospital, I made the correct decision.

“Besides, I don’t need you to match me.”

Feather smiles from behind Sage. “We know. You’re with Cedar.”

“I am not with Cedar. He’s a liar.”

“Is he?” Clove asks. “Did he lie to you?”

“Duh. He told me his name is Archer.”

“His name is Archer,” Petal says.

I roll my eyes. “You know what I mean. He didn’t tell me his brother is Rowan and he neglected to mention how he grew up in Winter Falls.”

“An omission of the truth is a lie,” Lilac adds.

Crap. If Lilac the literal is agreeing with me, I may need to re-evaluate my thinking. Nope. I’m not doing it. Cedar is a liar. Plain and simple. I can agree with Lilac this one time without the world going up in flames.

Beckett groans. “Can we have this conversation another time? I don’t know how long I can stand for.”

“What happened?” Sage asks.

“Did your lovemaking become too vigorous?” Petal asks.

“You’re done,” River announces before pushing his way past the woman and out the door. “I’ll be waiting in the car for you to drive us to the hospital,” he calls to me.

“The hospital!” Sage springs into action. “I’ll phone the emergency room and tell them we have two casualties on the way. Cayenne, you phone Dr. Blue and have him meet us there. Clove, you contact Ever and Radiance and let them know their daughter-in-law is injured. Petal, you can pick them up since they’ll probably need a ride to the hospital.”

She claps her hands. “Let’s go, people. Let’s go!”

By the time we arrive at the hospital in White Bridge, we’ve become a convoy of five cars. I feel bad for the hospital staff. I don’t think they’re used to people arriving at the emergency room with an entourage.

Once they rush Elizabeth off for an MRI scan and Beckett to get an x-ray on his foot, I collapse in a seat in the waiting room. I thought the worst part about moving day would be cleaning. The hospital is the last place I expected to end up.

Gabrielle sits next to me, and we settle in to wait. “Don’t think you’re off the hot seat.”

“It’s not my fault Elizabeth and Beckett were injured.”